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Bibliography<br />

India and Persia<br />

"The Wonder That Was India" (c.) by A. L. Basham 1967, published 1968 by Taplinger Publishing<br />

Co.<br />

"The History and Culture of the Indian People-The Classical Age Vol. 3" Edited by: R.C. Majumdar<br />

and A.D. Pusalker, Printed in India by P. H. Raman at the associated Advertisers and Printers<br />

Limited, 505, Arthur Rd., Tardeo, Bombay 7<br />

Sicily<br />

"Architecture and Sculpture in Early Britain" London: Thames and Hudson, 1967<br />

"The Norman Kingdom of Sicily" by Donald Matthew, Cambridge University Press, 1992<br />

"A History of Sicily" vol II, "Medieval Sicily 800-1713" copyright 1968 by D. Mack Smith, Published<br />

by The Viking Press<br />

"A History of Sicily" by M.I.Finley, D. Mack Smith, and Christopher Duggan<br />

"The Sicilian Vespers" by Steven Runciman, Cambridge University Press, 1958<br />

"The Other Conquest" by John Julius Norwich, Harper &mp; Row, 1967<br />

"The Barrier and the Bridge-Historic Sicily" copyright by Alfonso Lowe, Published for America by<br />

W. W. Norton &mp; Co., 1972<br />

"The Kingdom In The Sun 1130-1194" by John Julius Norwich, Harper &mp; Row, 1970<br />

The Crusades<br />

"Gesta Francorum", written about 1097 AD<br />

"Chronicles of the Crusades", ed. H. G. Bohn, (London, 1848), p. 307<br />

"Assises de Jerusalem." Tome H. Assises de la cour des Bourgeois, p. 173, (Paris, 1843) Old French<br />

is quoted from Roland Falkner, "Taxes of the Kingdom of Jeruslem", pp. 19-23, in "Statistical<br />

Documents of the Middle Ages ", Translations and Reprints from the "Original Sources of European<br />

History", Vol 32, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania,), 1-23<br />

"The Illustrated History of the Crusades", Edited by: Jonathan Riley-Smith, Oxford University Press,<br />

New York 1995<br />

Pope Innocent III: "License to Venice to Trade With The Saracens" taken from: J. P. Migne, ed.,<br />

Patrologiae Cursus Completus, (Paris, 1855), Vol. CCXIV, p. 493, and "Geoffrey de Vinsauf's Itinerary<br />

of Richard I and Others, to the Holy Land." and "A List of the Tolls at the Port of Colibre" 1252,<br />

A. de Capmany, "Memorias Historicas sobre la Marina Comercio y Artes de la Antigua Ciudad de<br />

Barcelona", (Madrid, 1779-1792), Vol. II, p. 18; are all reprinted in Roy C. Cave &mp; Herbert H.<br />

Coulson,"A Source Book for Medieval Economic History", (Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Co.,<br />

1936; reprinted., New York: Biblo &mp; Tannen, 1965)<br />

Recipes<br />

"England, 15th century. Pears in wine and spices" , original recipe from Harleian MS 279. Potage<br />

Dyvers, taken from:<br />

"Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books".- Austin, Thomas.<br />

Harleian MS. 279, Harl. MS. 4016, with extracts from Ashmole MS. 1429, Laud MS. 553, Douce<br />

MS 55, and Original recipe from "Goud Kokery" are taken from: "Curye on Inglish: English Culinary<br />

Manuscripts of the Fourteenth-Century (Including the Forme of Cury)". Hieatt, Constance B. and<br />

Sharon Butler. New York: for The Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press, 1985.<br />

"Le Menagier de Paris", a 1393 instruction manual for the great man's wife-numbers taken from<br />

the Hinson Translation. (a medieval manuscript dated to circa 1393), edited by Jérome Pichon in<br />

1846 for La Société Des Bibliophiles François., translation (c) Janet Hinson.<br />

Guilds and Trade<br />

"Les Livres de comptes des freres Bonis" , and "The Book of the Wares and Usages of Diverse<br />

Countries", and "The Practice of Commerce", can all be found in "Medieval Trade in the<br />

Mediterranean World", R. S. Lopez and I. W. Raymond, Columbia University Press, New York, 1955<br />

(A really neat find!)<br />

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