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Group Financial Statements<br />

280<br />

224 Commerzbank Annual Report 2011<br />

(15) Intangible assets<br />

Intangible assets mainly consist of software, acquired brand<br />

names, customer relationships and goodwill. They are<br />

recognised at amortised cost. Due to their finite useful economic<br />

lives software and customer relationships are written off on a<br />

straight line basis over their prospective useful lives. In the case<br />

of brands and brand names our assumption is that they can<br />

generate cash flows indefinitely. As a result brand names and<br />

goodwill with indefinite useful economic lives are tested for<br />

impairment at least once a year.<br />

Impairment test methodology<br />

All goodwill and brand names are allocated to the cashgenerating<br />

units at the time of acquisition. Commerzbank has<br />

defined the segments as cash generating units in accordance<br />

with IFRS 8. Further details on the segments are provided in<br />

Note 44. The expected future economic benefits of these assets<br />

are tested at the level of the individual underlying cash<br />

generating units at least once annually at each balance sheet<br />

date. In the process, the carrying amount of the capital<br />

employed in a cash generating unit (including the attributed<br />

goodwill) is compared with the recoverable amount of these<br />

assets. The recoverable amount is the higher of value in use and<br />

fair value less costs to sell. The value in use is based on the<br />

expected profitability of the unit and the cost of capital as set out<br />

in the medium-term planning for the individual segments<br />

approved by the board. If the value in use falls below the<br />

carrying amount, the fair value less costs to sell is also<br />

calculated. The higher of the two figures is reported.<br />

Assumptions underlying the impairment testing<br />

The discounted cash flow calculations are based on the multiyear<br />

planning for the segments. In addition to profitability<br />

projections this involves forecasts for risk weighted assets and<br />

capital employed. The main value drivers are receivables<br />

volumes, net interest income after provisioning and net<br />

commission income. Risk assets are a further sensitive planning<br />

parameter. The projections are based on forecasts from the<br />

economic research department for the macroeconomic outlook<br />

as well as other significant parameters such as movements in<br />

interest rates, exchange rates, equity and bond markets.<br />

Planning is based both on management’s past experience and<br />

an assessment of risks and opportunities based on the forecasts.<br />

Multi-year planning normally has a four-year horizon. For<br />

impairment testing the profitability projections from the last<br />

planning year were extrapolated out to 2019 in order to reflect<br />

the impact of Basel III including the transitional arrangements<br />

on capital employed.<br />

In calculating the discounted cash flow we use average riskadjusted<br />

interest rates of between 10.1% (previous year:<br />

11.1%) and 13.2% (previous year: 12.2%). A long-term growth<br />

rate of 2% is assumed for all segments (previous year: 2%).<br />

If there are objective indications that the economic benefits<br />

originally identified will no longer be realised, an impairment<br />

must initially be recognised on the cash-generating unit’s<br />

goodwill and reported in a separate item in the income<br />

statement. Any additional impairment required is divided prorata<br />

between the remaining assets in the unit.<br />

We amortise acquired customer relationships over a period of<br />

seven to fifteen years.<br />

Software is amortised on a straight-line basis over its<br />

expected useful economic life of two to ten years and charged<br />

to operating expenses. Software includes both in-house<br />

developed software and acquired software. Where the reason<br />

for an impairment recognised in previous financial years ceases<br />

to apply, the impairment of intangible assets is reversed to no<br />

more than amortised cost. Impairment reversals are not<br />

permitted for goodwill.

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