Kiefer C. Quantum gravity

Kiefer C. Quantum gravity

Kiefer C. Quantum gravity


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constructed via a truncation of the classical phase space of GR to spatially<br />

homogeneous situations, which is then quantized by using the methods and results<br />

of loop quantum <strong>gravity</strong> (Chapter 6). Features such as the quantization<br />

of geometric operators are thereby transferred to the truncated models. In the<br />

present section we restrict ourselves to the simplest case of Friedmann universes;<br />

anisotropic models as well as inhomogeneous situations can also be addressed<br />

(Bojowald 2005).<br />

We consider the model of a Friedmann universe containing a scalar field;<br />

cf. Section 8.1.2. Instead of the original variables a and p a we shall use new<br />

canonical variables which result from the truncation of the general canonical<br />

variables holonomy and triad to the homogeneous and isotropic model. How<br />

this truncation is performed in a mathematically clean way is shown in detail<br />

in Bojowald (2005) and the references therein. From the triad one obtains the<br />

single variable ˜p, while the holonomy leads to the single variable ˜c. Howare<br />

they defined? We shall in the following assume a Friedmann universe with finite<br />

spatial volume V 0 and allow it to be either positively curved (k =1)orflat<br />

(k = 0). The new variables are then obtained from the ones in Section 8.1.2 by<br />

where from (8.9) we have<br />

|˜p| = a 2 , ˜c = k + βȧ , (8.79)<br />

ȧ = − 4πG Np a<br />

,<br />

3V 0 a<br />

and β is the Barbero–Immirzi parameter introduced in Section 4.3.1. The Poisson<br />

bracket between the new variables reads<br />

{˜c, ˜p} = 8πGβ .<br />

3V 0<br />

It is convenient to absorb the volume V 0 into the canonical variables by the<br />

substitution<br />

˜p = V −2/3<br />

0 p, ˜c = V −1/3<br />

0 c,<br />

leading to<br />

{c, p} = 8πGβ . (8.80)<br />

3<br />

We note that p has the physical dimension of a length squared, while c is dimensionless.<br />

The sign of p reflects the orientation of the triad. Both orientations<br />

are thus present in the formalism, a feature that will play a central role in the<br />

quantum theory.<br />

The Hamiltonian constraint (8.10) can easily be rewritten in terms of the new<br />

variables. If the lapse function is chosen as N = 1, it reads (using the identity<br />

k 2 = k)<br />

H = − 3 ( ) (c − k)<br />

2 √|p|<br />

8πG β 2 + k 2 + Hm ≈ 0 , (8.81)

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