C - Michigan Technological University

C - Michigan Technological University

C - Michigan Technological University

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272. Mrak, E., et al., Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) inhibits apoptosis inhuman osteoblasts by ss-catenin stabilization. J Cell Physiol, epub ahead of print2010.273. Li, H., et al., beta2- and beta3-, but not beta1-adrenergic receptors are involvedin osteogenesis of mouse mesenchymal stem cells via cAMP/PKA signaling.Arch Biochem Biophys, 2010. 496(2): p. 77-83.274. Franceschi, R.T., et al., Multiple signaling pathways converge on theCbfa1/Runx2 transcription factor to regulate osteoblast differentiation. ConnectTissue Res, 2003. 44 Suppl 1: p. 109-16.275. Tobimatsu, T., et al., Parathyroid hormone increases beta-catenin levels throughSmad3 in mouse osteoblastic cells. Endocrinology, 2006. 147(5): p. 2583-90.276. Chae, H.J., et al., Cyclic-AMP inhibits nitric oxide-induced apoptosis in humanosteoblast: the regulation of caspase-3, -6, -9 and the release of cytochrome c innitric oxide-induced apoptosis by cAMP. Biol Pharm Bull, 2001. 24(5): p. 453-60.277. Waters, K.M., et al., DNA microarray analysis reveals a role for lysophosphatidicacid in the regulation of anti-inflammatory genes in MC3T3-E1 cells. Bone, 2007.41(5): p. 833-41.278. Lajeunesse, D., et al., Influence of aluminum on the regulation of PTH- and1,25(OH)2D3-dependent pathways in the rat osteosarcoma cell line ROS 17/2.8.J Bone Miner Res, 1998. 13(6): p. 962-9.279. Radio, N.M., J.S. Doctor, and P.A. Witt-Enderby, Melatonin enhances alkalinephosphatase activity in differentiating human adult mesenchymal stem cellsgrown in osteogenic medium via MT2 melatonin receptors and the MEK/ERK(1/2) signaling cascade. J Pineal Res, 2006. 40(4): p. 332-42.280. Suzuki, A., et al., Regulation of alkaline phosphatase activity by p38 MAP kinasein response to activation of Gi protein-coupled receptors by epinephrine inosteoblast-like cells. Endocrinology, 1999. 140(7): p. 3177-82.281. Grey, A., et al., The phospholipids sphingosine-1-phosphate andlysophosphatidic acid prevent apoptosis in osteoblastic cells via a signalingpathway involving G(i) proteins and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase. Endocrinology,2002. 143(12): p. 4755-63.282. Zhang, X. and L.P. Zanello, Vitamin D receptor-dependent 1 alpha,25(OH)2vitamin D3-induced anti-apoptotic PI3K/AKT signaling in osteoblasts. J BoneMiner Res, 2008. 23(8): p. 1238-48.283. Mogi, M., et al., Dual roles for NF-kappaB activation in osteoblastic cells byserum deprivation: osteoblastic apoptosis and cell-cycle arrest. Bone, 2004.35(2): p. 507-16.156

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