Boiler Manual - Weil-McLain

Boiler Manual - Weil-McLain

Boiler Manual - Weil-McLain


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GV90+ gas-fired water boiler — <strong>Boiler</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>Start-up (continued)3. Inject all of the inhibitor supplied with the boiler. Allow time forthe water to circulate and mix. Then check the inhibitor level. Addadditional inhibitor if necessary.Check/verify water chemistry1. The system may have residual substances that could affect waterchemistry.2. After the system has been filled and leak tested, verify water pHand chlorine concentrations are acceptable.3. Verify antifreeze concentration, when used.4. Follow the instructions on the Sentinel test kit to sample the systemwater and verify inhibitor concentration.Check inhibitor concentration annually1. Test the pH of a sample of system water at least annually. The pHof the water mixture must be between 7.0 and 8.5. (Or use theSentinel inhibitor test kit to check concentration.)2. If pH is outside this range (or inhibitor test kit indicates low level),the inhibitor level may not be sufficient to prevent corrosion.3. Test antifreeze concentration.Test antifreeze concentration at least annually. If concentrationis low, add antifreeze or drain system and refillwith correct mixture.4. Follow instructions on antifreeze container to determine theamount of antifreeze needed. DO NOT exceed 50% by volumeconcentration of antifreeze.5. Check inhibitor level after adjustments are made.Verify gas/air orifice plateThe proper orifice plate must be used. Failure to doso will cause severe personal injury, death or substantialproperty damage.1. Remove the jacket front panel.2. Read the boiler size written on the gas/air orifice label tab, verifyingthe correct size. See Figure 5, page 8 for details.3. The orifice plate must be plain aluminum for natural gas. Forpropane gas, the exposed tab of the plate should be red.4. Replace the orifice plate if necessary, following the guidelines onpage 8.5. Once the external thermostat circuit wiring is checkedand corrected if necessary, reconnect the external thermostatcircuit wires. Allow the boiler to cycle.Inspect/fill condensate systemInspect/check condensate lines and fittings1. Inspect the condensate drain line, condensate PVC fittingsand condensate trap.Fill condensate trap with water1. Loosen the hose clamp (Figure 70, item 2) that securesthe condensate trap (Figure 70, item 1) to the bottomof the recuperator (Figure 70, item 3).2. Pull the condensate trap tube off of the recuperatorcondensate drain nipple.3. Use a funnel to feed water into the top of the condensatetube.4. Continue filling until water begins to flow out throughthe condensate line (Figure 70, item 4).5. Re-attach the condensate trap to the bottom of therecuperator. Secure with the hose clamp.6. Check for any leaks in the condensate drain line or fittings.Repair any leaks.7. Remove the temporary clamp (see step 2, above) fromthe condensate drain tube.The condensate trap must be filled with waterduring all times of boiler operation to avoidflue gas emission from the condensate drainline. Prime the condensate trap by pouringwater into the outlet tee while restricting flowin drain tube if boiler has been out of servicefor an extended period. Failure to fill the trapcould result in severe personal injury or death.Figure 70 Condensate trap assemblyCheck thermostat circuit(s)1. Disconnect the two external wires connected to the boiler thermostatterminals (see Field wiring, beginning on page 56 for terminallocations).2. Connect a voltmeter across these two incoming wires. Close eachthermostat, zone valve and relay in the external circuit one at atime and check the voltmeter reading across the incoming wires.3. There should NEVER be a voltage reading.4. If a voltage does occur under any condition, check and correct theexternal wiring. (This is a common problem when using 3-wirezone valves.)Part number 550-142-054/1211 61

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