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362DIRECTORY A–ZCustomsRegulationsFor the vast majority of visitors,clearing customs is abreeze, but it’s important tobe aware of the restrictions.Any foreign currency in excessof $2000 is supposedto be declared upon entry.Besides personal effects,visitors are permitted tobring duty free:» 400 cigarettes» 100 cigars» 250g of tobacco» 0.5L of perfume.It’s not a problem to bringa camera, video camera,laptop or mobile phone. Youcannot bring in antiques,pornographic materials ornarcotic drugs (obviously).Export RestrictionsThe following items cannotlegally be taken out of thecountry:» prehistoric implementsand artefacts» fossils» old coins» bronze or brass weights(including opium weights)» bronze or clay pipes» kammawa or parabaik» inscribed stones» inscribed gold or silver» historical documents» religious images» sculptures or carvingsin bronze, stone, stucco orwood» frescoes (even fragments)» pottery» national regalia andparaphernalia.Technically you have to showapproval from various governmentagencies to bringout books, videos or DVDs,though this is very unlikely tobe enforced.E le c t r ic it y.230V/50Hz230V/50HzPower outages occur everywhere,Yangon and Mandalayincluded. Many smaller townshave short scheduled periodsfor electricity, usually a fewhours in the afternoon andevening (power always seemsto be available if Myanmar TVis airing a premiership soccergame!). Many hotels andshops run generators 24hours, others keep them ononly a few hours (eg 6pm tomidnight, and a few hours inthe morning)Embassies &ConsulatesThe generals moved thecapital from Yangon to NayPyi Taw in 2005, but foreignembassies and consulatesstayed behind in Yangon.Check the government’sMinistry of Foreign Affairs(www.mofa.gov.mm) for moreinformation.Australia (%01-251 810,01-251 809; fax 01-246 159; 88Strand Rd)Bangladesh (%01-515 275;<strong>11</strong>B Than Lwin Rd, Kamayut)Cambodia (%01-549 609; 25New University Ave Rd, B3/4B)Canada Affairs handled byAustralian embassy or Canadianembassy in Bangkok(%+66 (0)2 636 0540)China (%01-221 281; 1 PyidaungsuYeiktha Rd, Dagon)France (%01-212 178; fax01-212 527; 102 PyidaungsuYeiktha Rd, Dagon)Germany (%01-548 951; fax01-548 899; 9 Bogyoke AungSan Museum Rd)India (%01-243 972, 01-391219; 545-547 Merchant St)Indonesia (%01-254 465,01-254 469; 100 PyidaungsuYeiktha Rd)Israel (%01-515 155; fax 01-515 <strong>11</strong>6; 15 Kabaung Rd, HlaingTownship)Italy (%01-527 100; 3 InyaMyaing Rd)Japan (%01-549 644; 100 NatMauk Rd)Korea (%01-510 205; 97University Ave Rd, Bahan)Laos (%01-222 482; A1 DiplomaticQuarters, Taw Win St)Malaysia (%01-220 249; 82Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Rd)Nepal (%01-545 880; fax 01-549 803; 16 Nat Mauk Rd)Netherlands Affairs handledby German embassy or Neth-

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