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98SOUTHEASTERN MYANMAR MON STATEMawlamyine (Moulmein)0 500 mú #ABCDTo Gaungse Kyun(Shampoo Island) (0.3mi) f# 26 f#2918ú# 13#ÿ21Ú#91#›(Former) # ÿThanlwin RiverMawlamyine Buses toHotelKyonkaVillage27 f#<strong>11</strong># ÿ19 ú## ß 4To Bilu# ß 52 Kyun‚(0.75mi)# þ22f#25# þ# þ 2423f#828 # ßMahamuni3PrisonÚ#(Bahaman)PayaKyaikthanlanÚ#PayaÚ# Ú#71412 # ÿ # ð 17 # ÿ 14#ñ # ÿú##›Bus16Ú#10 Station#òTrainStationMyanma# AirwaysOffice35 æ#To Beer ú#20# â 6Garden2(0.3mi) # ÿ 152 Ü#Strand Rd‚Strand RdSouth Bogyoke Rd (Lower Main Rd)AThaton Tar Par StSi Bin Thar Yat StNorth Bogyoke RdKyaikthan RdHt et Rd Magyi(Upper Main Rd)6#£6Baho RdMyoma Tadar StDawei Jetty Rd‚Rd Magyi(Upper Main R d)HtetBC#e 0 0.2 milesDTo Hpa-an(40mi)‚12345also statues depicting Gautama Buddha’smeeting with a sick man, an old man, adead man and an ascetic – encounters thatencouraged him to seek a meaning behindhuman suffering.Other Religious MonumentsIn the centre of town towards the waterfront,on South Bogyoke Rd, are threemosques built during the colonial era whenmany Indians arrived to work for the British.Since the Indian exodus of the 1970s,Muslim congregations have declined substantially,but the survival of these grandold buildings makes a walk here a fleetingexercise in nostalgia.The Kaladan Mosque was designed bySunni Muslims in an elaborate ‘weddingcake’style. Further south, on the same sideof the street, is the smaller Moghul ShiahMosque, a Shi’ite place of worship that wasunder construction at the time of research.A couple of blocks further, south of the centralmarket, the Sunni Surtee Sunni JamaeMasjid fills a similar space but presents amore multi-coloured facade.Just up from Dawei jetty, on the easternside of Strand Rd, the small but colourful

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