Transcript of Hearing 12/12/97 - TWA Flight 800 Investigation

Transcript of Hearing 12/12/97 - TWA Flight 800 Investigation

Transcript of Hearing 12/12/97 - TWA Flight 800 Investigation

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<strong>12</strong>94<strong>12</strong>345and create the service bulletins.We are going through all our airplanes verycarefully to look at all the bonding and groundingrequirements we have imposed on the airplane to seethat they are correct, first <strong>of</strong> all, and to make sure6we want-- then we go out and look and create the789service bulletins on each <strong>of</strong> the airplanes so we havethe right measurements.so, it is -- the very act <strong>of</strong> creating the10service bulletins is forcing a design review.It is an11interesting process.We have to go through drawing<strong>12</strong>after drawing, and going through a 737 that is ––13whatever it is,almost thirty years old, to pull out14151617all those drawings and look at very carefully how wecreated the bonding design in those airplanes and theninvent and create a test in the service bulletin, thatis really why the 747 service bulletin is a hundred18pages long.There is an awful lot <strong>of</strong> work going into192021that service bulletin.In regard to all the questions on the -- andgoing back to your question earlier, Mr. Chairman, on22the military side <strong>of</strong> the house.As I said earlier, we23had our own military people involved in this.We have2425also talked to the foam manufacturers, we have talkedto the inerting manufacturers.CAPITAL HILL REPORTING, INC.(202) 466-9500

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