Transcript of Hearing 12/12/97 - TWA Flight 800 Investigation

Transcript of Hearing 12/12/97 - TWA Flight 800 Investigation

Transcript of Hearing 12/12/97 - TWA Flight 800 Investigation

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<strong>12</strong>11<strong>12</strong>34567several Airworthiness Directives, we have dealt withtwo possible accident scenarios in our AirworthinessDirectives . One, quite frankly, is a notice, and Irecognize that.As far as the –– dealing with the oxygen, wehave looked at and talked to people who have submittedcomments to our docket proposing everything from CO 2 to8nitrogen inerting.We have spent a lot <strong>of</strong> time talking910to those people that use nitrogen inerting. Ipersonally have talked to some McDonnell Douglas people11<strong>12</strong>on the C–17 program. So,to look at all this.we really have made an effort13Now,as far as fuel research itself, up to1415this point we have been more than happy to be just --we have been more than happy to let the NTSB lead that16effort.We know you have ongoing research. We17certainly don’t–– we certainly believe it is headed in18the right direction. So,we have not felt compelled to19do any <strong>of</strong> that research ourselves.We think that it2021would be a waste <strong>of</strong> the taxpayer’s money.That is basically it, in a nutshell.I could222324give you more time if you would wish, but that is acapsulation <strong>of</strong> it.DR. ELLINGSTAD: No, that’s fine, thank you.25CHAIRMAN HALL:Please proceed, Mr. Anderson.CAPITAL HILL REPORTING, INC.(202) 466-9500

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