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322 NotesCavalcanti and Daniel versions. See also Lefevere’s negative evaluation ofthe Zukofskys’ Catullus (Lefevere 1975:19–26, 95–96). “The result,”Lefevere concluded, “is a hybrid creation of little use to the reader,testifying at best to the translator’s linguistic virtuosity andinventiveness” (ibid.:26). Lefevere’s recent work aims to be “descriptive”instead of “prescriptive,” so he refrains from judging the Zukofskys’Catullus, although pointing out that it has “never achieved more than acertain notoriety as a curiosum doomed not to be taken seriously”(Lefevere 1992a:109).8 I cite the Blackburn—Pound correspondence from Paul Blackburn,Letters to Ezra Pound, Collection of American Literature, Beinecke RareBook and Manuscript Library, Yale University, and Ezra and DorothyPound, Letters to Paul Blackburn, Paul Blackburn Collection, Archive forNew Poetry. Neither collection contains Blackburn’s first letters to Poundin 1950. Some of the correspondence is dated, either by thecorrespondents or by archivists; dates I have conjectured on the basis ofinternal evidence are indicated with a question mark. My reading ofBlackburn’s relationship to Pound is indebted to Sedgwick 1985.9 This publishing history is reconstructed from documents in the PaulBlackburn Collection, Archive for New Poetry: M.L.Rosenthal, Letters toEmile Capouya, 17 July and 2 August 1958; Capouya, Letter to JohnCiardi, 27 June 1958; Ciardi, Letter to Capouya, 2 July 1958; Capouya,Letter to Ramon Guthrie, 18 July 1958; Guthrie, Letter to Capouya, 24 July1958; Guthrie, Report on Blackburn’s Anthology of Troubadors, Capouya,Letters to Blackburn, 12 September 1958, 8 October 1958, 31 October 1958,8 December 1958, 26 March 1965; R. Repass, Memo (Contract Request forBlackburn), 29 September 1958; Herbert Weinstock, Letter to Blackburn,11 June 1963; Daniel R. Hayes, Letter to Blackburn, 7 June 1963; ArthurGregor, Letter to Blackburn, 1 September 1965; M.L.Rosenthal, Letters toBlackburn, 8 February 1957, 16 March 1958, 14 June 1958, 22 July 1959, 1November 1965.10 “Agreement of Representation (Contract),” 11 August 1959, PaulBlackburn Collection, Archive for New Poetry. Sales figures for theCortázar translations (cited on pp. 265–266) are taken from royaltystatements in the Blackburn Collection. Blackburn’s correspondence asCortázar’s agent documents the increasing American interest in theArgentine writer’s fiction.11 This catalogue of writers is drawn from various reviews of Blackburn’sCortázar: Coleman 1967, Kauffman 1967, Davenport 1967, Time 1967,MacAdam 1967, Stern 1967, Times Literary Supplement 1968.6 Simpatico1 Montale’s seven Italian collections are Ossi di seppia (1925), Le occasioni(1939), La bufera e altro (1956), Satura (1971), Diario del ’71 e del ’72 (1973),Quaderno di quattro anni (1977), and Altri versi e poesie disperse (1981), now

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