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342 Bibliography—(1983b) British Literary Magazines: The Romantic Age, 1789–1836, Westport,Connecticut and London: Greenwood.—(1984) British Literary Magazines: The Victorian and Edwardian Age, 1837–1913,Westport, Connecticut and London: Greenwood.Szondi, P. (1986) “Schleiermacher’s Hermeneutics Today,” in On TextualUnderstanding and Other Essays, trans. H.Mendelsohn, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press.Tarchetti, I.U. (trans.) (1869a) Carlo Dickens, L’amico comune, Milano:Sonzogno.—(trans.) (1869b) J.F.Smith, Fasi della vita o Uno sguardo dietro le scene, Milano:Sonzogno.—(1967) Tutte le opere, ed. E.Ghidetti, 2 vols, Bologna: Cappelli.Thomas, A. (ed.) (1971) Poésies completes de Bertran de Born (1888), New York:Johnson.Time (1967) “Unease in the Night,” 11 August, p. 80.Times Literary Supplement (1961) “On Translating the Bible,” 17 February,p. iv.—(1967) “Anatomy of a Publication,” 11 May, p. 399.—(1968) “Experiment with Rabbits,” 14 March, p. 245.—(1969) “Recapitulations,” 20 February, p. 180.Todd, J. (ed.) (1985) A Dictionary of British and American Women Writers,1660–1800, Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Allanheld.Todorov, T. (1975) The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre, trans.R.Howard, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.Townshend, A. (1983) The Poems and Masques of Aurelian Townshend, ed. C.Brown, Reading, England: Whiteknights Press.Tytler, A.F. (1978) Essay on the Principles of Translation, ed. J.F.Huntsman,Amsterdam: John Benjamins.Underdown, D. (1960) Royalist Conspiracy in England 1649–1660, New Haven,Connecticut: Yale University Press.Ungaretti, G. (1958) Life of a Man, ed. and trans. A.Mandelbaum, London:Hamish Hamilton, New York: New Directions, and Milan: Scheiwiller.—(1969) Selected Poems, ed. and trans. P.Creagh, Harmondsworth: Penguin.—(1975) Selected Poems of Giuseppe Ungaretti, ed. and trans. A. Mandelbaum,Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.Updike, J. (1981) “Books,” New Yorker, 3 August, pp. 92–93.Venuti, L. (ed.) (1992) Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology,London and New York: Routledge.Vicars, J. (1632) The XII Aeneids of Virgil, the most renowned Laureat Prince ofLatine-Poets; Translated into English deca-syllables, By John Vicars, London:N.Alsop.Von Hallberg, R. (1985) American Poetry and Culture, 1945–1980, Cambridge,Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.Wagstaff, C. (1984) “The Neo-avantgarde,” in M.Caesar and P.Hainsworth(eds) Writers and Society in Contemporary Italy, New York: St. Martin’sPress,

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