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330 BibliographyFeldman, R. and Swann, B. (eds) (1979) Italian Poetry Today, St. Paul, Minnesota:New Rivers.Fell, C. (1991) “Perceptions of Transience,” in M.Godden and M.Lapidge (eds)The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.Felstiner, J. (1983) “Paul Celan in Translation: ‘Du Sei Wie Du’,” Studies inTwentieth-Century Literature 8:91–100.—(1984) “Paul Celan’s Triple Exile,” Sulfur 11:47–52.Ferlinghetti, L. (1953) “Among the New Books,” San Francisco Chronicle, 4October, p. 26.Fiedler, L. (1962) “Sufficient unto the Day” (1955), in W.Phillips and P. Rahv(eds) Partisan Review Anthology, New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.Fischbach, H. (1992) “The Mutual Challenge of Technical and LiteraryTranslation: Some Highlights,” Sci-Tech Newsletter, January, pp. 3–5.Fitts, D. (1954) “The Tea-Shop Aura,” New Republic, 4 January, pp. 18–19.—(ed. and trans.) (1956) Poems from the Greek Anthology, New York: NewDirections.—(1958) The Poetic Nuance, New York: Harcourt, Brace.Flad, B. (1992) “A Speech for the Defense of the Visible and AudibleTranslator,” Translation Review 38–39:40–41.Forstman, H.J. (1968) “The Understanding of Language by Friedrich Schlegeland Schleiermacher,” Soundings 51:146–165.Fortini, F. (1975) “The Wind of Revival,” Times Literary Supplement, 31 October,pp. 1308–1309.Foucault, M. (1970) The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences,New York: Random House.—(1977) “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History,” in Language, Counter-Memory,Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews, eds and trans D.F. Bouchard andS.Simon, Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.Fowler, H.W. (1965) A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, ed. E.Gowers, NewYork and Oxford: Oxford University Press.Frank, J. (1961) The Beginnings of the English Newspaper 1620–1660, Cambridge,Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.Fraser’s Magazine (1868) “Translations of the Iliad,” 78 (October): 518–531.Frémy, D. and M. (eds) (1992) Quid 1992, Paris: Laffont.Frere, J.H. (1820) Review of T.Mitchell’s Translations of Aristophanes, QuarterlyReview 23:474–505.Freud, S. (1960) The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (1901), trans. A.Tyson, ed.J.Strachey, New York: Norton.—(1961) Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920), ed. and trans. J.Strachey, NewYork: Norton.Gadamer, H.-G. (1970) “The Problem of Language in Schleiermacher’sHermeneutic,” trans. D.E.Linge, in R.W.Funk (ed.) Schleiermacher asContemporary, New York: Herder and Herder.Gall, S. (1980) “Ramon Guthrie,” in K.L.Rood (ed.) Dictionary of LiteraryBiography 4: American Writers in Paris, 1920–1939, Detroit: Gale.

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