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336 Bibliography—(1984b) Otherwise: Last and First Poems, trans. J.Galassi, New York:Random House.—(1985) Bones of Cuttlefish, trans. A.Mazza, Oakville, Ontario:Mosaic.—(1986) The Storm and Other Things, trans. W.Arrowsmith, New York:Norton.—(1987) The Occasions, trans. W.Arrowsmith, New York: Norton,—(1990) The Motets of Eugenio Montale; Mottetti: Poems of Love, trans. D. Gioia,St. Paul, Minnesota: Graywolf.Monthly Magazine (1821) Review of G.Lamb’s Translation of Catullus,52:33–36.Monthly Review (1792), Review of A.F.Tytler, Essay on the Principles of Translation,8:361–366.—(1797) Review of J.Nott’s Translation of Catullus, 24:275–278.—(1822) Review of G.Lamb’s Translation of Catullus, 97:1–13.Moore, N. (1971) “Hot Cat on a Cold Tin Roof Blues (or, Get Your BootsLaced, Fullus—Here Comes That Guy ‘Cat’Ullus,” Poetry Review62:179–187.Muir, E. (1953) “New Poems for Old,” Observer, 2 August, p. 40.Murphy, R. (1953) “The Art of a Translator,” Spectator, 18 September,p. 303.Mynors, R.A.B (ed.) (1969) Virgil, Opera, Oxford: Clarendon Press.National Review (1860) “The English Translators of Homer,” 11(October):283–314.Newman, F.W. (1841) Introductory Lecture to the Classical Course, London:Simpkin, Marshall and Co., and J.Green.—(1847a) Four Lectures on the Contrasts of Ancient and Modern History, London:Taylor and Walton.—(1847b) On the Relations of Free Knowledge to Moral Sentiment, London: Taylorand Walton.—(1851) “Recent Translations of Classical Poets,” Prospective Review, 7(August):369–403.—(ed. and trans.) (1853) The Odes of Horace, London: John Chapman.—(ed. and trans.) (1856) The Iliad of Homer, London: Walton and Maberly.—(1861) Homeric Translation in Theory and Practice. A Reply to Matthew Arnold,Esq., London and Edinburgh: William and Norgate.—(1869) Miscellanies, vol. I, London: Trübner and Co.—(1887 and 1889) Miscellanies, vols II and III, London: Kegan Paul,Trench.New Republic (1955) “Selected Books,” 16 May, p. 46.New Yorker (1954) “The Translations of Ezra Pound,” 1 May, p. 112.Niccolai, G. (1975) Substitution, trans. P.Vangelisti, San Francisco and LosAngeles: Red Hill.Nida, E.A. (1952) God’s Word in Man’s Language, New York: Harper &Brothers.—(1964) Toward a Science of Translating. With Special Reference to

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