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346 IndexKennerbuch” 228–30; “TheGrinding Down” 251; “TheInternational Word” 249–52, 264;interviews 225–6, 233, 246, 247,248, 261; The Journals 262–3;“Meditation on the BMT” 263–4;Proensa 226, 254, 260; “Sirventes”248–9; translation of J.Cortázar264–70, 272Blackwood’s Magazine 78, 84Blanchot, M. 293, 307; “Translating”307–9Bligh, F.B. 142Blow-up (Antonioni) 266Bly, R. 275Boito, A. 185–6Boito, C. 185–6Böll, H. 2Bollingen Prize for Poetry 205Bonefonius 93Bontempelli, M. 186Books and Bookmen 266Borges, J.L. 265Bottke, K. 226Bowdler, T. 80Boyars, Marion 276Brandeis, I. 279Bray, B. 3Brecht, B. 303Brinsley, J. 46British Critic 91–2, 93British Quarterly Review 139Brooke, S. 38Brooke-Rose, C. 266Brower, R.: On Translation 210Brown, T. 71Browning, R. 139, 144, 193Brownjohn, A. 221–2Bunting, B. 188–9, 191, 202, 204,210Burns, R. 124, 137, 221Burroughs, W. 265Butor, M. 265Buzzati, D. 186Byron, Lord 96, 124, 164, 189Cagnone, N. 277, 278California, University of, Press 254Calvino, I. 2, 8, 186Camden, W. 51Campbell, G.: The Four Gospels 74–6Campion, T. 81Camus, A. 2Capouya, E. 253–5Carcanet 277Cardenal, P. 226, 227Carter, A. 266Castalio, S. 75Cato 219Catullus 81–93, 95, 97, 98, 123,214–24Cavalcanti, G. 190–8, 200–1, 202, 206,207, 208, 238, 244; “Chi è questache vien” 193; “Donna mi prega”190Cavendish, G., Duchess ofDevonshire 95Cavendish, W., Duke of Devonshire95, 96Cecil, D. 97Celan, P, 275, 283, 284, 304, 306;“The Meridian” 304–5Celati, G. 2, 3Center for Inter-American Relations265Centro Internazionale Poesia dellaMetamorfosi 302Cercamon 244Cervantes 143Chamisso, A. von 161Chapelle, J.de la: Les Amours deCatulle 82Chapman, G.: translation of Homer130, 132, 141Char, R. 283Charles I 47, 51, 53, 54Chaucer, G. 242Chelse 221Choate School 210Christ, R. 8Ciardi, J. 254–5Cicero 67, 104The Cid 270City Lights 278Cixous, H. 151–2Claudian 283Cohen, J.M. 6, 30, 143–4Columbia University Press 10

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