A Pragmatic Guide To Communication & Change.pdf - NLP Info Centre

A Pragmatic Guide To Communication & Change.pdf - NLP Info Centre

A Pragmatic Guide To Communication & Change.pdf - NLP Info Centre

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the Meta Model: a linguistic tool for using portions of . person's spoken or written<br />

behavior to determine where he has generalized, deleted, or distorted experiences in his<br />

model of the world. It includes specific "Meta Model responses" to these "Meta Model<br />

violations" which aid in obtaining a more complete representation from the person's<br />

deep structure. Certain responses also help to reconnect the speaker with his deep<br />

structure in ways which can expand his perceptions and give him more choices about<br />

how to feel and behave. (72-73)<br />

meta perspective: kill awareness of the patterns involved in the processes of<br />

conmnmication as well as the content. (108)<br />

144<br />

The numbers in parentheses following the definitions indicate the page or pages in the<br />

text where amore complete oxplaaanon of the term may be found.<br />

obstruct noun: see "Nominaliziuions." rid)<br />

accessing cues: movements of the eyes which are symptomatic of cerebral processes of<br />

retrieving thoughts and other experiences stored in the brain. (115-122)<br />


145<br />

tational systems"). 'these patterns include predicate preference, posture and body type,<br />

breathing, lip size, voice tonality, eye elevation, rules for looking, Satir categories, Meta<br />

Model violations, Meta Model illformed meanings, and accessing cues. A complete chart<br />

of these behaviors for each system is included in Appendix C. (48-50)<br />

complex equivalents: the relationship between a word or action and the meurung attached<br />

to it by the observer. It is called "complex," because the equivalent verbal description is<br />

much more detailed than the word or action being defined ("a picture is worth a thousand<br />

words"). A person's complex equivalent is a more accurate representation of his deep<br />

structure associations to the particular word or action. (2728)<br />

analog: any form of output (behavior) exclusive of wordsymbols. (69-71)<br />

auditory tape loops: thoughts, expressions, and persistent ideas stored in short, often<br />

tuneful or rhythmic auditory patterns.(119)<br />

calibrated communication: sometimes called a "calibrated loop," these are unconscious<br />

patterns of communication in which a look, gesture, or expression unintentionally triggers<br />

a response from another person. Often based on subliminal cues - minimal gestures that<br />

operate outside the awareness of the individuals involved - these calibrated<br />

communication loops can be the source of pain-producing miscommunication between<br />

couples, family members, and co-workers. (102)<br />

cause and effect: u Meta Model violation in which the speaker indicates a belief that one<br />

person can directly cause another person to have it particular emotion. (10.5-108)<br />

communication categories model: hased on the four representational systems, this model<br />

includes the behavioral patterns associated with each of the systems (see "represem<br />

concrete nouns: see "Nominalizations." (84)<br />

consensus reality: due ft - similarities in the neurological mechanisms within each of us<br />

and shared social and cultural experiences we are able to create similar representations of<br />

the world called consensus reality. (4)<br />

constraints: filters on the model-building processes. Neurological, social, and individual

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