A Pragmatic Guide To Communication & Change.pdf - NLP Info Centre

A Pragmatic Guide To Communication & Change.pdf - NLP Info Centre

A Pragmatic Guide To Communication & Change.pdf - NLP Info Centre

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techniques to study. For example, the more traditional psychotherapies rely<br />

heavily on the client's ability to digitalize - to talk aboutand to visualize various<br />

experiences. Some of the humanistic approaches, on the other hand, identifying<br />

feelings or emotions as the medium through which to achieve change. These are<br />

functional differences, differences which, on the positive side, enable individuals<br />

with different models of the world to seek out and work within a system that best<br />

suits their own.<br />

az<br />

speak to a person using his own "language," you heighten the sense of rapport between<br />

you and pave the way for the trust that is so important to any close relationship.- , Another<br />

way to think about predicate preference is to imagine how a blind person might perceive<br />

an elephant in comparison to a sighted person. You can be sure that their linguistic<br />

descriptions would demonstrate the differences.<br />

Even though a person demonstrates a preference for one of the representational systems,<br />

it does not mean that he does not use the other systems too. On the contrary, we all use all<br />

of the systems all of the time. It has been my observation, however, that whether out of<br />

habit, in response to stressful situations, or in other areas of interaction, people tend to<br />

depend on their preferred system, the system in which they can make the most<br />

distinctions about the world. It also appears that, in some people, this system changes<br />

depending on the specific situation confronting them.<br />

her, trying to visualize where he had seen an escape route. In his frenzy, he never even<br />

felt the touch nor did lie hear the words from behind him!<br />

ds<br />

Stress<br />

Fire engines clanged and wailed in the streets below, and people screamed unintelligible<br />

words from the buildings across the boulevard. The smell of smoke was getting more<br />

intense - that was probably what woke him up. Fire!<br />

The image of burning buildings, flaming stairwells, and smoke-clogged hallways set him<br />

into a panic. lie ran into the main hallway and started choking from the smoke he thought<br />

he could see there. Ile began looking frantically for a way out, trying to visualize where<br />

the fire escapes were.<br />

Someone came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, saying, "Everyone's<br />

gone down the back way. Follow me.!" Then he ran off, leading the way, assuming he<br />

was being followed. But the panic-struck man didn't turn and follow. lie was still busy<br />

trying to remem<br />

Often people under stress will turn to the representational system they trust the most.<br />

They may even delete other systems from their conscious awareness, thereby limiting<br />

their ability to respond. It is tragic because during just those times they need all the<br />

sensory input and all the awareness they can get! People coming into therapy who are<br />

under great stress in their lives are often extremely limited in their awareness of their<br />

problems and in their choices concerning how to behave. It is possible they are blocked<br />

by their inability to create new choices or to even perceive alternatives because the<br />

choices and perceptions lie outside the range of the system into which they have retreated.<br />

The language of the representation systems can work for you in two ways. Besides<br />

indicating how a person is making sense of his experience, it can also provide an<br />

extremely effective method for gaining rapport with that person. This can be<br />

demonstrated by using the following illustration of a married couple who have come for

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