A Pragmatic Guide To Communication & Change.pdf - NLP Info Centre

A Pragmatic Guide To Communication & Change.pdf - NLP Info Centre

A Pragmatic Guide To Communication & Change.pdf - NLP Info Centre

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In any close or intimate relationship, trust becomes a primary element. This section will<br />

begin to explore the various ways this trust develops and the effects it has on the rapport<br />

so essential to an effective relationship.<br />

As previously mentioned, Jerome Frank noted that particular attributes of the therapist<br />

himself are important ingredients of the therapeutic relationship. From questionnaires<br />

filled out by their patients, Frank found these attributes to include the therapist's ability to<br />

be a "... keenly interested. . . concerned listener.. .who speaks one's language [and] makes<br />

sense.. .." (p. 185)'Che development of trust, then, may begin when a person gets the<br />

sense that he is being understood, that he and the other person are "speaking the same<br />

language." Think for a moment about the people in your life whom you consider to be<br />

influential. This ability to influence you and others is based in large part on the trust given<br />

them by those who believe they are "understanding." Of course, this is an<br />

oversimplification. However, especially in the therapeutic setting, this trust is often a<br />

necessary condition for a successful therapeutic relationship. Trust must also exist<br />

between friends, or the relationship falters. A business deal cannot be consummated<br />

unless there is a mutual trust based on the belief that each party is being uud,m'stood by<br />

the other.<br />

What is it about particularly influential individuals that<br />

leads to this trust.' What observable behaviors do these wizards of communication exhibit<br />

that we might identify and use ourselves in our own professional and personal<br />

relationships? As these questions are answered, you will begin to discover some of the<br />

practical strategies for creating positive change.<br />

Being Understood<br />

One of the most important ingredients in being influential is the ability to elicit the belief<br />

that you understand. Understanding implies that you can "join" a person at his own model<br />

of the world. This is important because people tend to operate as i f their model of the<br />

world is the real world. Understanding is the crucial bridge between our model ofthe<br />

world and theirs.<br />

Logical Typing Errors<br />

Gregory Bateson illustrates the distinction between "reality" and our models of reality<br />

with a menu card analogy. ,, We tend to operate on the assumption that a "thing" and its<br />

"name" are one and the same. Bateson calls this a "logical typing error." It is like walking<br />

into a restaurant, says Bateson, and being handed a menu card. Since the menu merely<br />

represents the food, we might consider it to be a map or model of reality. However, if we<br />

treat<br />

15<br />

12<br />

Sharon loved to read novels. fly creatively employing the process of distortion, she could<br />

transform words into full, rich experiences. She actually "lived" characters as she read<br />

about them. She felt their joys and sorrows, labored in the muddy fields and had tea with<br />

the Queen. As a youngster, Sharon had learned to read words and then to distort them into<br />

images, feelings, sounds, tastes, and smells so vividly that they became "real" to her. She<br />

could talk about different times and far-away places as if she had actually been there. And<br />

she could equally well "project" herself into a history book or encyclopedia. This talent<br />

played an important part in her choice of careers as a writer and lecturer.<br />

Sharon also used the process of distortion as a means for explaining her "predicament"

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