Dear Travllive’s readers, On these first days of New Year 2016, cheerful melodies of Tet have been played everywhere, marking the arrival of Lunar New Year. Lyrics of old traditional songs have their own power to call back my memories as if I was just a child happily singing the songs with my friends day by day when Tet was coming to town. When I was studying at university, I had two Tet each year, one for patients and the old in social protection centers and one for my family.

Dear Travllive’s readers,
On these first days of New Year 2016, cheerful melodies of Tet have been played everywhere, marking the arrival of Lunar New Year. Lyrics of old traditional songs have their own power to call back my memories as if I was just a child happily singing the songs with my friends day by day when Tet was coming to town.
When I was studying at university, I had two Tet each year, one for patients and the old in social protection centers and one for my family.


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culture<br />

Bµi: Alfredo de la Casa Ånh: Hu˙nh M¸ ThuÀn<br />

T’t cÒa Vi÷t Nam lµ mÈt dp Æ∆c bi÷t, mÈt l‘ hÈi ÆÈc Æ∏o ÆËi vÌi nhi“u<br />

ng≠Íi ngoπi quËc. D≠Ìi Æ©y lµ c∏i nh◊n cÒa mÈt ng≠Íi T©y Ban Nha c„ vÓ<br />

ng≠Íi Vi÷t Nam, Æang sËng tπi TP.HCM, n„i v“ T’t Vi÷t.<br />

T´i mÌi chÿ Î Vi÷t Nam Æ≠Óc<br />

vµi th∏ng tr≠Ìc khi Æ„n c∏i<br />

T’t Æ«u tin. Khi †y t´i Æang<br />

gi∂ng dπy Î mÈt tr≠Íng Æπi<br />

h‰c tπi TP.HCM. Trong t†t<br />

c∂ nh˜ng buÊi g∆p m∆t vµo<br />

dfip nµy, T’t lu´n lµ chÒ Æ“<br />

Æ≠Óc c∏c bπn sinh vin nhæc<br />

Æ’n nhi“u nh†t, Æ∆c bi÷t lµ<br />

nh˜ng sinh vin sËng xa qu.<br />

T´i Æ≠Óc bi’t rªng, T’t kh´ng<br />

chÿ lµ mÈt k˙ nghÿ mµ cfln lµ<br />

kho∂ng thÍi gian Æ” c∏c em<br />

Æ≠Óc Æoµn tÙ cÔng gia Æ◊nh.<br />

Ch≠a tıng tr∂i nghi÷m T’t<br />

Î Vi÷t Nam, t´i tfl mfl vµ h·i<br />

m‰i ng≠Íi r†t nhi“u, Æ” xem<br />

T’t vui Æ’n th’ nµo vµ t´i nn<br />

mong ng„ng nh˜ng Æi“u g◊.<br />

N’u nh≠ c«n ch‰n mÈt tı<br />

Æ” miu t∂ v“ T’t, chæc chæn<br />

Æ„ lµ tı t›ch c˘c. T†t c∂ Æ“u<br />

hoan hÿ mÁi ÆÈ T’t Æ’n Xu©n<br />

v“ khi h‰ Æ≠Óc sum v«y cÔng<br />

gia Æ◊nh vµ tÀn h≠Îng nh˜ng<br />

kho∂nh khæc tuy÷t vÍi.<br />

T’t th˘c s˘ lµ mÈt dfip Æ∆c<br />

bi÷t Î Vi÷t Nam. Tı th´n<br />

x„m Æ’n thµnh thfi Æ“u r˘c<br />

ln nh˜ng mµu sæc cÒa l‘<br />

hÈi. Ng≠Íi d©n trang hoµng<br />

nhµ cˆa, phË ph≠Íng vÌi hoa<br />

vµ nhi“u vÀt dÙng trang tr›<br />

kh∏c. C∏c thµnh vin trong<br />

gia Æ◊nh Æ“u cË gæng Æ” Æ≠Óc<br />

v“ nhµ, b†t k” h‰ Æang sËng<br />

vµ lµm vi÷c Î xa Æ’n Æ©u. C∂<br />

gia Æ◊nh sœ cÔng chia tay n®m<br />

cÚ, Æ„n chµo n®m mÌi vÌi<br />

nh˜ng hy v‰ng v“ s¯c kh·e,<br />

ti“n tµi vµ thµnh c´ng. T’t g‚<br />

cˆa tıng nhµ, g‰i m‰i ng≠Íi<br />

v“ n¨i h‰ sinh ra, n¨i h‰ sËng<br />

vÌi gia Æ◊nh. ßËi vÌi nhi“u<br />

ng≠Íi Vi÷t, T’t lµ kho∂ng thÍi<br />

gian duy nh†t trong n®m mµ<br />

h‰ c„ Æ≠Óc mÈt k˙ nghÿ dµi,<br />

lµ c¨ hÈi kh´ng th” b· qua Æ”<br />

Æoµn vin.<br />

N’u bπn ch≠a tıng “®n T’t”<br />

Î Vi÷t Nam, h∑y thˆ Æi. Vµ<br />

n’u c„ th” h∑y tr∂i nghi÷m<br />

T’t cÔng mÈt gia Æ◊nh ng≠Íi<br />

Vi÷t, Æ„ th˘c s˘ lµ mÈt tr∂i<br />

nghi÷m tuy÷t vÍi. Vµo dfip<br />

nµy, thÍi ti’t c„ chi“u h≠Ìng<br />

†m ln, mu´n hoa Æua nÎ vÌi<br />

T\ GïC NHçN CûA MóT NGòI NõC NGOÄI:<br />

KH§NG CHé ß—P ô<br />

B£N NGOÄI<br />

100<br />


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