Dear Travllive’s readers, On these first days of New Year 2016, cheerful melodies of Tet have been played everywhere, marking the arrival of Lunar New Year. Lyrics of old traditional songs have their own power to call back my memories as if I was just a child happily singing the songs with my friends day by day when Tet was coming to town. When I was studying at university, I had two Tet each year, one for patients and the old in social protection centers and one for my family.

Dear Travllive’s readers,
On these first days of New Year 2016, cheerful melodies of Tet have been played everywhere, marking the arrival of Lunar New Year. Lyrics of old traditional songs have their own power to call back my memories as if I was just a child happily singing the songs with my friends day by day when Tet was coming to town.
When I was studying at university, I had two Tet each year, one for patients and the old in social protection centers and one for my family.


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R\ng quˇc gia Ph@ Quˇc<br />

th§ng tin th£m<br />

Nªm v“ ph›a ß´ng Bæc Æ∂o, rıng quËc<br />

gia PhÛ QuËc Æ≠Óc bao phÒ chÒ y’u bÎi<br />

ba d∑y nÛi Hµm Ninh, Hµm RÂng vµ Gµnh<br />

D«u, v…n gi˜ nguyn vãn khu rıng giµ<br />

nguyn sinh vÌi c©y cËi, nÛi ÆÂi, suËi th∏c.<br />

ß” th∏m hi”m rıng, du kh∏ch c„ th” ÆÀu<br />

xe ngay bn cπnh b∂ng chÿ d…n Rıng quËc<br />

gia rÂi Æi bÈ bæt Æ«u hµnh tr◊nh kh∏m ph∏<br />

trn 5km Æ≠Íng mn xuyn rıng.<br />

ü L≠u ˝: n’u muËn<br />

ngÒ lπi qua Æm trong<br />

rıng, nhÌ mang theo l“u<br />

ho∆c tÛi ngÒ, ÆÂ ®n, ÆÂ<br />

dÔng c∏ nh©n c«n thi’t.<br />

Khu v˘c d˘ng trπi nn<br />

nªm g«n nh˜ng kh´ng<br />

gian rÈng r∑i g«n suËi,<br />

th›ch hÓp cho c∏c hoπt<br />

ÆÈng nh≠ bæt c∏, ÆËt lˆa<br />

n≠Ìng Æ ®n, tr chuy÷n<br />

vµ læng nghe ©m thanh<br />

cÒa nÛi rıng.<br />

ü MÈt sË kh∏ch sπn,<br />

resort c„ dch vÙ cho<br />

thu xe jeep tham quan<br />

rıng nguyn sinh.<br />

Further<br />

information<br />

ü Note: if you want<br />

to stay overnight in the<br />

forest, remember to<br />

bring a tent or sleeping<br />

bags, food, essential<br />

toiletries, and a first aid<br />

kit. You can build your<br />

camp in a spacious area<br />

near streams, so that<br />

you can enjoy fishing,<br />

campfires, barbeques,<br />

and listening to the<br />

sounds of the jungle.<br />

ü Some hotels and<br />

resorts offer jeep rental<br />

services for you to<br />

explore the forest.<br />

T∂n bÈ trong khu rıng nguyn sinh, du<br />

kh∏ch sœ c∂m nhÀn Æ≠Óc kh´ng kh› trong<br />

lµnh, m∏t lπnh cÒa thin nhin ha trÈn vÌi<br />

mÔi h≠¨ng cÒa th∂m l∏ c©y »m mÙc, nh˜ng<br />

t∏n l∏ Æan xen vÌi h◊nh thÔ k˙ lπ. Cµng Æi<br />

s©u vµo trong, nh˜ng c©y cÊ thÙ giµ ngh◊n<br />

tuÊi vÌi r‘ c©y chªng cht, uËn äo, nh˜ng tÊ<br />

mËi rıng hay nh˜ng c©y sim tr‹u qu∂ chæc<br />

chæn sœ mang lπi s˘ ngπc nhin l…n th›ch<br />

thÛ. Trong hµnh tr◊nh th∏m hi”m, bπn sœ<br />

nghe th†y ti’ng r„c r∏ch cÒa nh˜ng con<br />

suËi hay c„ th” may mæn nh◊n th†y c∏c loµi<br />

vÀt nh≠ khÿ, s„c, b s∏t trong rıng.<br />

Phu Quoc National Park<br />

Located across the Northeast of the island,<br />

Phu Quoc National Park is surrounded by<br />

three mountain ranges, namely Ham Ninh,<br />

Ham Rong and Ganh Dau. The National Park<br />

still maintains the entire primary forest with<br />

ancient trees, hills, mountains, streams and<br />

waterfalls. To discover the forest, you can<br />

park your car near the signage of the park<br />

and start walking on a 5-km path through<br />

the forest.<br />

Walking in the primary forest under strangely<br />

shaped foliage, you can take in fresh cool air<br />

with the natural scents of wet leaves. Deeper<br />

into the forest are thousand-year-old trees<br />

with interlaced roots, forest termite nests and<br />

myrtle trees laden with fruits. During your<br />

journey, you will also listen to the babble of<br />

streams or be lucky to see animals such as<br />

monkeys, squirrels and reptiles.<br />

©Tran Minh Tan<br />

BÇI RÑCH V—M<br />

Nªm trn bÍ bi”n ph›a Bæc,<br />

g«n †p Rπch Vãm, thuÈc x∑<br />

Gµnh D«u, b∑i Rπch Vãm lµ<br />

mÈt trong nh˜ng b∑i bi”n<br />

nguyn s¨ cn s„t lπi trn<br />

Æ∂o PhÛ QuËc, Æ≠Óc 2 d∑y<br />

nÛi ´m l†y lµ nÛi Hµm RÂng<br />

vµ nÛi B∑i ßπi. Kh´ng chÿ<br />

c„ bÍ bi”n dµi c∏t træng,<br />

mn, b∑i Rπch Vãm lµ mÈt<br />

trong nh˜ng n¨i c„ rπn san<br />

h´ Æãp nh†t Æ∂o. V◊ ch≠a<br />

Æ≠Óc nhi“u du kh∏ch bi’t<br />

tÌi nn b∑i Rπch Vãm v´<br />

cÔng yn t‹nh. Tπi Æ©y ch≠a<br />

ph∏t tri”n dch vÙ cho du<br />

kh∏ch, chÿ c„ mÈt bà c∏ cÒa<br />

ng≠ d©n. TÌi Æ©y, bπn c„<br />

th” mua ÆÂ ®n vµ nhÍ h‰<br />

n≠Ìng ho∆c t˘ n≠Ìng trn<br />

b∑i bi”n.<br />

Rach Vem Beach<br />

Located on the northern<br />

coast, near Rach Vem hamlet,<br />

Ganh Dau commune, and<br />

embraced by Ham Rong and<br />

Bai Dai Mountain, Rach Vem<br />

beach is one of most pristine<br />

beaches left on Phu Quoc<br />

Island. Not only home to a<br />

long, white-sand beach, Rach<br />

Vem also boasts the most<br />

beautiful coral reef. As it is<br />

slightly off the tourist trail,<br />

Rach Vem beach is very quiet.<br />

Here, you can buy seafood<br />

to grill on beach or ask locals<br />

to help.<br />

ü<br />

th§ng tin th£m<br />

ß≠Íng vµo b∑i Rπch<br />

Vãm h¨i kh„ Æi.<br />

ü Du kh∏ch muËn tham<br />

quan c„ th” thu thuy“n<br />

cÒa ng≠ d©n trong †p<br />

Rπch Vãm (Gi∏ 1 tri÷u<br />

ÆÂng/10 ng≠Íi) Æ” Æi<br />

ngæm san h´<br />

ü Tπi b∑i bi”n c„ th”<br />

l∆n bæt nhum, n≠Ìng vµ<br />

th≠Îng th¯c tπi chÁ<br />

ü Nn mang theo<br />

ÆÂ ®n vµ c∏c ÆÂ dÔng<br />

c«n thi’t cho chuy’n<br />

picnic v◊ Î Æ©y kh´ng c„<br />

dch vÙ<br />

Further<br />

information<br />

ü Ranh Vem is a little<br />

off the beaten track, and<br />

a little more difficult to<br />

reach but well worth the<br />

effort.<br />

ü You can hire boats<br />

from fishermen in the<br />

Rach Vem hamlet to go<br />

sightseeing and explore<br />

the world of coral reefs.<br />

ü You can go diving to<br />

catch sea urchins, and<br />

grill them and enjoy right<br />

on the beach.<br />

ü You should bring<br />

foods and necessary<br />

items for picnicking, as<br />

there are no services<br />


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