Dear Travllive’s readers, On these first days of New Year 2016, cheerful melodies of Tet have been played everywhere, marking the arrival of Lunar New Year. Lyrics of old traditional songs have their own power to call back my memories as if I was just a child happily singing the songs with my friends day by day when Tet was coming to town. When I was studying at university, I had two Tet each year, one for patients and the old in social protection centers and one for my family.

Dear Travllive’s readers,
On these first days of New Year 2016, cheerful melodies of Tet have been played everywhere, marking the arrival of Lunar New Year. Lyrics of old traditional songs have their own power to call back my memories as if I was just a child happily singing the songs with my friends day by day when Tet was coming to town.
When I was studying at university, I had two Tet each year, one for patients and the old in social protection centers and one for my family.


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lifestyle<br />

NI≈M HÑNH PH@C<br />

CûA VIåC ßúC NHõ ß⁄N<br />

Bµi: Trang Ami<br />

MÈt trong<br />

nh˜ng nät v®n<br />

h„a mµ t´i r†t<br />

th›ch tı ng≠Íi<br />

ph≠¨ng T©y<br />

Æ„ lµ th„i quen<br />

gˆi b≠u thi’p<br />

cho ng≠Íi th©n.<br />

L˝ do tÂn tπi<br />

lÌn nh†t cÒa<br />

truy“n thËng<br />

nµy lµ Æ” chia<br />

sŒ v“ nh˜ng<br />

chuy’n Æi.<br />

CuËi n®m 2<strong>01</strong>5, mÈt m»u tin nhæn Æ≠Óc<br />

gˆi tı c´ gi∏o Cäline m∑i tÀn Noirmoutieren-l’Ile<br />

(vÔng Pays de la Loire, mi“n T©y<br />

n≠Ìc Ph∏p) Æ∑ Æ≠Óc chia sŒ rÈng r∑i trn<br />

c∏c knh mπng x∑ hÈi. NÈi dung nhªm ku<br />

g‰i cÈng ÆÂng ng≠Íi dÔng internet tı m‰i<br />

mi“n th’ giÌi gˆi b≠u thi’p giÌi thi÷u v“ Æfia<br />

ph≠¨ng cÒa ch›nh h‰ v“ ng´i tr≠Íng mµ c´<br />

Æang gi∂ng dπy. MÙc Æ›ch nhªm giÛp cho<br />

c∏c em h‰c sinh cÒa tr≠Íng ti”u h‰c Rocher<br />

des Lutins hi”u h¨n v“ th’ giÌi mµ c∏c em<br />

Æang sËng. L˝ gi∂i v“ chi’n dfich cÒa m◊nh,<br />

c´ Cäline n„i: “Nh˜ng c∏i tn nh≠ Na Uy<br />

hay NhÀt B∂n ÆËi vÌi h‰c trfl cÒa t´i r†t lµ<br />

trıu t≠Óng vµ vÌi c∏c em th◊ Æ„ chÿ ƨn gi∂n<br />

lµ mÈt Æfia danh. C∏c em kh´ng th” t≠Îng<br />

t≠Óng v“ cuÈc sËng, tÀp tÙc cÒa ng≠Íi d©n<br />

x¯ Æ„ th’ nµo, vµ cµng kh´ng th” h◊nh dung<br />

Æ≠Óc s˘ kh∏c bi÷t cÒa con ng≠Íi hai n¨i”.<br />

Cäline n„i thm rªng c´ hi v‰ng vi÷c nhÀn<br />

Æ≠Óc c∏c t†m b≠u thi’p vÌi mÈt m∆t lµ h◊nh<br />

∂nh chÙp Æfia danh mÈt quËc gia nµo Æ„, vµ<br />

m∆t cfln lπi lµ vµi lÍi th®m h·i (bªng ti’ng<br />

b∂n Æfia cµng tËt) sœ giÛp c∏c em h¯ng thÛ<br />

h¨n vÌi vi÷c h‰c Æfia l˝. T†t c∂ nh˜ng ng≠Íi<br />

gˆi Æ“u Æ≠Óc yu c«u Æ” lπi Æfia chÿ th≠ Æi÷n<br />

tˆ Æ” c´ trfl tr≠Íng Rocher des Lutins vi’t<br />

th≠ c∏m ¨n, kÃm nh˜ng h◊nh ∂nh, tranh vœ<br />

“Æ∏p l‘”.<br />

Th´ng Æi÷p nµy Æ∑ Æ≠Óc chia sŒ h¨n<br />

80.000 l«n chÿ sau 48 giÍ xu†t hi÷n trn<br />

Facebook. ß©y c„ th” xem lµ mÈt trong<br />

nh˜ng chi’n dfich ku g‰i vi’t b≠u thi’p<br />

c„ gi∏ trfi lan t·a lÌn nh†t trong cÈng ÆÂng<br />

ng≠Íi Ph∏p.<br />

C©u chuy÷n Æ«y c∂m h¯ng cÒa c´ Cäline<br />

thu hÛt Æ≠Óc nhi“u s˘ quan t©m bÎi Æ©y<br />

lµ mÈt tr≠Íng hÓp Æ∆c bi÷t, khi c∏c t†m<br />

b≠u thi’p Æ≠Óc gˆi gi˜a nh˜ng ng≠Íi lπ.<br />

Trong ÆÍi sËng th≠Íng ngµy, Æ∆c bi÷t vµo<br />

nh˜ng mÔa l‘ hÈi quan tr‰ng, kh´ng ring<br />

g◊ ng≠Íi Ph∏p mµ c∂ ng≠Íi ch©u ¢u, M¸<br />

th≠Íng c„ th„i quen gˆi b≠u thi’p cho bπn<br />

bÃ, ng≠Íi th©n cÒa m◊nh.<br />

12<br />


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