Seadet-i Ebediyye - Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.

Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.


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What does tawakkul mean? Tawakkul is a state that takes<br />

place in the heart. It takes place by believing in tawhîd and in the<br />

fact that Allâhu ta’âlâ has boundless goodness and grace. This<br />

state is the heart’s trusting, depending on and believing the<br />

Deputy and its feeling safe with Him. Such a person does not set<br />

his heart on worldly property. He does not feel sorry for his<br />

worldly failures. He feels sure that Allâhu ta’âlâ will send his<br />

sustenance. Let’s give an example of this. If they defame a person<br />

and bring a law-suit against him, he will hire an advocate. If he<br />

trusts the advocate in three respects his heart will feel at rest.<br />

Firstly, the advocate’s knowing the defamation, the trick well.<br />

Secondly, his not hesitating to tell the truth and his ability to talk<br />

well and explicitly so that he can express himself well. <strong>Third</strong>ly, the<br />

advocate’s pitying him and doing his best to save his right. If he<br />

believes his advocate as such and trusts him, he will not have to do<br />

anything additional on his part. A person who understands well<br />

the âyat-i-kerîma that purports: “Allâhu ta’âlâ is sufficient for us.<br />

He is the best deputy,” in Âl-i ’Imrân Sûra, who says that Allâhu<br />

ta’âlâ makes everything and that none other than He can do<br />

anything, and who believes that there is no deficiency in His<br />

knowledge or power and that His compassion and His goodness<br />

are endless, will not reckon on anybody other than Allâhu ta’âlâ<br />

as the source of goodness, nor will he depend on precautions or<br />

means. He will say, “My sustenance (rizq) has been allotted and<br />

reserved. It will reach me when the time comes.” He will say,<br />

“Allâhu ta’âlâ will treat me as it becomes His greatness and<br />

mercy.” Some people believe this. However, they have an inner<br />

feeling of fear, hopelessness. There are many people who believe<br />

in something but whose natures do not agree with their belief, so<br />

they follow illusions and fancies. In fact, although they know that<br />

these fancies are wrong, they still give heed to them. An example<br />

of this is a person who stops eating something sweet and can no<br />

longer eat it because somebody has likened it to something foul.<br />

Although he knows that the comparison is wrong and it is unlike<br />

anything foul, he still cannot eat it. Another example is a person<br />

who cannot sleep in a room alone where there is a dead man.<br />

Although he knows that a dead man is like a stone and cannot<br />

move, he cannot sleep there. As is seen, tawakkul requires both a<br />

firm îmân and a strong heart. Thus, there will be no doubt left in<br />

one’s heart. Unless the feeling of trust and ease are complete,<br />

tawakkul will not be complete. For, tawakkul means the heart’s<br />

believing and trusting Allâhu ta’âlâ in everything. Hadrat<br />

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