Seadet-i Ebediyye - Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.

Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.


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in the aggregate is called ’âlam. ’Âlam, that is, everything, was<br />

nonexistent. Allâhu ta’âlâ created everything from nothing.<br />

Democrates said: ‘’Âlam had been nonexistent. It became existent<br />

by itself.’ Most naturalists said the same. According to Aristotle,<br />

’Âlam is made up of matter (hayûlâ). Matter which has taken a<br />

shape is called an object (jism), which is seen in three physical<br />

states [gas, liquid and solid], ’Âlam has come this way and it will go<br />

on likewise. The four elements [fire, air, water and earth] have<br />

been eternally existent. Though objects originate from one<br />

another, these four elements, which are their origin, are eternal.’<br />

Plato said that ’âlam was nonexistent in the beginning and became<br />

existent later on, learning it from the books of ancient Prophets.<br />

Pythagoras and his votary Socrates had said as Aristotle said.<br />

Democritus asserted that matter was made up of tiny particles<br />

[atoms] which moved in a vacuum. Calinos, on the other hand, said<br />

that he could not understand whether the ’âlam was eternal<br />

(qadîm) or made up at a certain time (hâdith). According to both,<br />

‘What an eternal creator creates must be eternal. Saying that He<br />

began creating later means that His power was deficient earlier.’<br />

We answer them: ‘He began creating when His Eternal Will wished<br />

to. It is like a thirsty man’s taking one of the glasses of water after<br />

choosing. This man cannot be said to have lacked will or power<br />

before. Today we observe that the Creator is still creating new<br />

things as He wishes.’ If it is claimed, ‘That the ’âlam had not existed<br />

in the past means that time had existed while the ’âlam was not<br />

existent. Time, too, is a part of the ’âlam. It is impossible to say that<br />

a part of the ’âlam had existed while the ’âlam itself had not,’ we<br />

respond that we do not say, ‘Time existed while the ‘âlam was<br />

nonexistent.’ There is extensive information on this subject in<br />

’Aqâ’id-i Jalâliyya, and it would be as nonsensical as saying that<br />

there were an endless length of time from this ’âlam to eternity.<br />

“The ’ulamâ of the Ahl as-sunnat ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim<br />

ajma’în’ said: ‘The ’âlam is made up of ’ayn (essence, matter) and<br />

araz (peculiarity). Matter is what occupies place in space, and<br />

peculiarity is what exists not by itself but with other things. [Energy<br />

and power are peculiarities.] Light is a peculiarity. If it were an<br />

object, it would not pass through glass and water, since two<br />

different objects cannot occupy the same place at the same time. It<br />

is the same for heat. Matter is made up of atoms (jawhar al-fard).<br />

Matter is either a simple substance (element) or a compound<br />

(combination of elements). Between the atoms that make up<br />

matter, there is very small space that cannot be seen. Every object<br />

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