Seadet-i Ebediyye - Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.

Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.


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The hyacinth’s problem is with the branch of a cypress;<br />

The philomel’s fallen in love with the vernal roses;<br />

As affection is presented in the Hakîm’s phrases,<br />

To a doleful place where my heart agonizes have I come.<br />

Alas, how I wish to obtain that lifegiving glance,<br />

So sadly I rue the day when I missed that paramount grace.<br />

To a place where a sun and a moon from the world of spirits.<br />

Scatter about all their spiritual lights have I come.<br />

37 — IRÂDA-I JUZ’IYYA<br />

The booklet entitled Irâda-i juz’iyya was written by<br />

Muhammad Akkarmânî ‘rahmatullâhi alaih’:<br />

From the âyat-i-kerîma which purports: “You wish only what<br />

Allâhu ta’âlâ wishes!” which is in Dahr Sûra, Imâm Abul-Hasan-i<br />

Ash’arî inferred the meaning: “Unless Allâhu ta’âlâ decrees that<br />

you wish you cannot wish anything!” That is, he meant that unless<br />

Allâhu ta’âlâ wills, the slave (man) cannot use his irâda-i juz’iyya.<br />

So, according to the Ash’arî Madhhab, slaves (men) are compelled<br />

in using their irâda-i juz’iyya (partial will). For, when Allâhu ta’âlâ<br />

wishes that a person will do some action, the person has to do the<br />

action. Accordingly, the irâda-i juz’iyya exists and is a creature.<br />

Then, if Satan says to man, “O you slave! Why are you taking<br />

pains? Unless Allâhu ta’âlâ decrees an action of yours, you cannot<br />

wish the action!” man will not be able to answer Satan. Man will<br />

not be free in his actions. There will not be rewards for his worship<br />

or torment for his evil. The slave will wish what Allâhu ta’âlâ<br />

wishes and is merely a means for the accomplishment of the action.<br />

Abû Mansûr-i Mâ-turîdî explained what Imâm-› a’zam Abû<br />

Hanîfa had inferred and said: “Irâda-i juz’iyya is not a being.<br />

Something which does not exist is not something created. Irâda-i<br />

juz’iyya is a state in the slaves. It is to use one’s power in doing or<br />

not doing something. Slaves are free in using their irâda-i juz’iyya.<br />

They are not compelled. According to this Madhhab Satan can be<br />

answered: “Irâda (will) is a state in me. If I use it in goodness,<br />

Allâhu ta’âlâ will create goodness. If I spend it in evil, Allâhu<br />

ta’âlâ will create evil. If I don’t use it either way, He will create<br />

neither of them.” It is possible for Allâhu ta’âlâ to create without<br />

man’s wish, too, yet He has made man’s will a means for creating<br />

optional deeds. It is from Allah’s will, again, that our irâda-i<br />

juz’iyya is a means. When man wishes to do something, Allâhu<br />

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