Seadet-i Ebediyye - Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.

Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.


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this matter. Some savants said that one should not make a sign. So<br />

does the book entitled Kubrâ write. The fatwâ agrees with this.<br />

Yet some others said that one should make a sign.”<br />

Hazînat-ur-riwâyât is a book of Fiqh written by the Qâdî of<br />

Gujarât in India. Kubrâ, a book of fatwâ, was written by<br />

Husâmaddîn ’Umar. It is written in Durr-ul-mukhtâr: “One should<br />

not make a sign with one’s pointing finger when saying the word of<br />

Shahâdat in namâz. The fatwâ says so. It is written so in<br />

Walwaljiyya, in Tajnîs, [1] in ’Umdatulmuftî, [2] and in all the books<br />

of fatwâ. However, commentators of these books, such as Kamâl,<br />

Halabî Ibrâhîm (866 – 956 [1549 A.D.]), and Nûr-ad-dîn Mahmûd<br />

Bâqânî Qâdirî (d. 1003 [1594 A.D.]), state: “You should make the<br />

sign. As a matter of fact, Imâm-i Muhammad informs that<br />

Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ used to do so. Also, it is<br />

written in the book Muhît [3] that it is sunnat to make a sign.” Ibni<br />

’Âbidîn says: “It is understood from Muhît that it is sunnat-i ghayri<br />

muakkada. As a matter of fact, Aynî [4] and Tuhfa [5] inform that it<br />

is mustahab.” In the book Nûr-ul-idhâh, Shernblâlî says: “What is<br />

sahîh is to make a sign with one’s pointing finger.” However,<br />

Tahtâwî [6] objects to this.<br />

As is seen, there are savants who say that it is harâm to make<br />

the sign. There are fatwâs stating that it is makrûh. There are many<br />

another (scholar) who states that one should not make the sign;<br />

information of usûl states so. Then, it is not right for us, the<br />

imitators, to attempt to make the sign by saying that there is a<br />

hadîth confirming it, thus doing something which has been said to<br />

be harâm or makrûh by the fatwâs of many mujtahids. If a person<br />

in the Hanafî Madhhab makes the sign with his finger despite the<br />

[1] Written by Burhân-ad-dîn ’Alî bin Abî Bakr Merghinânî<br />

‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih’ (martyred by the hordes of Dzengîz Khân<br />

in 593 [1137 A.D.]).<br />

[2] Written by Sadr-us-shehîd Husâmaddîn ’Umar bin ’Abd-ul-’Azîz<br />

‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih’ (483 – martyred in Samarkand in 536 [1142<br />

A.D.]).<br />

[3] Muhît-i-Burhânî, written by Mahmûd Burhânî ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’.<br />

[4] By Bedr-ad-dîn Mahmûd bin Ahmad ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’ (760 [1359<br />

A.D.] – 855 [1451], Cairo).<br />

[5] Tuhfa-t-ul-fuqahâ, written by ’Alâuddîn Muhammad bin Ahmad<br />

Samarkandî ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih’ (d. 540 [1145 A.D.]).<br />

[6] Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Ismâ’îl Tahtâwî ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ<br />

’alaih’ (d. 1231 [1815 A.D.], Cairo).<br />

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