Seadet-i Ebediyye - Endless Bliss Third Fascicle

Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.

Translations of letters from Imam-i Rabbani's Maktubat. Subjects include importance of having a correct belief and many issues related to namaz, sunnat, tawba, halal, haram, bid'at and tasawwuf.


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you don’t sin. There is not a disease more dangerous than<br />

sinning.” The reason why Pharaoh wanted everybody to worship<br />

him was because he lived for four hundred years, during which he<br />

never had a headache or fever. If his head had ached only once,<br />

he would not have even thought of that impudence. If a person<br />

becomes sick and does not beg Allah for forgiveness Azrâîl<br />

‘’alaihissalâm’ says to him, “O you unwary! I have sent you<br />

messengers so many times. But you won’t pull yourself together.”<br />

Our superiors say that within forty days a Believer should have<br />

some trouble, some illness or some fear, or some damage should<br />

befall his property. Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ was<br />

about to marry a woman with nikâh, when they said to him<br />

appraisingly that the woman had never become ill. Thereupon he<br />

gave up marrying her. One day he ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’<br />

was talking about a headache, when a villager said, “How is a<br />

headache? I have never had a headache.” Upon this he stated:<br />

“Keep away from me! Anyone who wants to see a man for Hell<br />

must look at him.” When ’Âisha ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anhâ’ asked him<br />

if anyone could reach the grade of martyrdom, he stated: “A<br />

person who remembers death twenty times daily attains the<br />

grade of martyrs.” No doubt, the ill remember death very often.<br />

It is for these six reasons that some never used medicine.<br />

Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ used medicine<br />

because he did not need these reasons.<br />

It is written as follows in Durr-ul-Mukhtâr and also in the<br />

section about kinds of water in Radd-ul-Muhtâr, which<br />

commentates the former:<br />

“It is permissible to use something harâm as a healer,<br />

provided it will be known that it will cure the ill person and when<br />

no halâl medicine is available. A hadîth-i-sherîf in Bukhârî states:<br />

‘Allâhu ta’âlâ has not created healing for you in things that are<br />

harâm.’ Its meaning is: ‘Substances that are harâm but which are,<br />

as it has been experimented, good for healing, are halâl for<br />

medicine.’ As a matter of fact, it is halâl for a person who is about<br />

to die of thirst to drink as much wine as to save him from death.<br />

The existence of a curing effect in something harâm will be<br />

understood only if a specialized Muslim doctor says so. Only,<br />

pork and its fat cannot be used as medicine even if they are<br />

curatives.” Muhammad Zarkânî ‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaih’ states<br />

as follows in his commentary to Mawâhib-i-ladunniyya: “It is<br />

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