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Chapter 1


The first Earth Day was on 22 April 1970. On that day, 20 million

Americans, 1 10% of the United States population, took to the

streets to show their love for the planet they call home. I was one

of them. As a student at the University of Arkansas, I attended a

teach-in, packed with people, all protesting against environmental

pollution. This was a defining moment for me. I realised I want to

help solve this big problem threatening our future. The first Earth

Day marked the beginning of my lifelong mission to help save the


Sadly enough, the state of the environment has gotten worse, not

better. Since 1970, the global population has doubled, material

extraction has tripled and global gross domestic product (GDP)

has quadrupled. If this trend continues, global consumption of

materials such as biomass, fossil fuels, metals and minerals is

expected to double over the next 40 years. 2

1 The history of Earth Day, https://www.earthday.org/history/.

2 OECD, Improving Resource Efficiency and the Circularity of Economies for

a Greener World, OECD Environmental Policy Papers, No. 20, Paris, 2020,


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