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To help deal with the circular economy concept, which is complex

and all-encompassing, I developed a tool which I call the circularity

ladder of 10 R’s. 11 This hierarchical depiction reflects the ambition

level of circular strategies. It increases our awareness that the

circular economy does not just entail recycling waste streams

and that strategies higher on the ladder generally have a lower

environmental impact. Highest priority should be given to refusal

of use, and then to reduction, which means decreasing material

use per unit of product. Afterwards, priority should be given

to rethinking the product in view of circularity; next to product

options such as reuse, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing

and repurposing; and then to material and resource recycling.

Finally, any remaining residue which cannot be recycled should be

incinerated with energy recovery, although this particular practice

is not part of a circular economy.

Levels of circularity: 10 R's

Order of priority


Refuse: Prevent raw materials' use

Reduce: Decrease raw materials' use

Redesign: Reshape product with a view to circularity principles

Reuse: Use product again (as second hand)

Repair: Maintain and repair product

Refurbish: Revive product

Remanufacture: Make new from second hand product

Re-purpose: Reuse product but with other function

Recycle: Salvage material streams with highest possible value


Recover: Incinerate waste with energy recovery

11 Cramer, J., The Raw Materials Transition in the Amsterdam Metropolitan

Area: Added Value for the Economy, Well-Being and the Environment, Environment,

2017, 59, 3, 14-21, https://doi.org/10.1080/00139157.2017.1301167.

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