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Chapter 3

Current Circular Economy Policies

When it comes to major changes, most people wait for their

national or local government to do the acting. That is unsurprising

considering governments can enforce changes through policy and

legislation. This chapter gives an overview of this conventional

public governance approach, while also highlighting European

and Dutch policies and instruments that contribute to circular

initiatives. Finally, the complementary steering model of network

governance is explained which can power the implementation of

circular eocnomy.

3.1 European Circular Economy Policies

The Netherlands is a member of the EU, and many regulatory

and economic measures concerning the circular economy are

formulated at the EU decision-making level. Member states are

expected to adopt the circular economy policies laid out by the

EU. Since the turn of the century, concerns have grown in the EU

about the overconsumption of resources and its environmental

impacts. Yet since 2015, Europe has been giving circularity issues

attention, exponentially so.

In 2015, the European Commission substantiated the concept

in its decision to adopt the Circular Economy Package. Called

Closing the Loop: An Action Plan for a Circular Economy, the

accompanying set of policy documents and legislative proposals

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