The Inner Studio - Riverside Architectural Press

The Inner Studio - Riverside Architectural Press

The Inner Studio - Riverside Architectural Press


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discomfort–so appreciate the miracle of our breathing and the great<br />

pleasure of smelling the forest or our favorite flowers or fresh-baked pie.<br />

Remember as you exhale to let any smell that was not pleasant be<br />

released and set free.<br />

Now return to the sensation of smiling and, when you are ready,<br />

gently bring the inner smile into your throat, the place where your neck<br />

and chest meet, the place where communication comes from. We<br />

constantly rely on communication, but rarely are we aware of the<br />

wonder and joy of speaking, the fulfilling experience of being able to<br />

express ourselves. Allow yourself to give thanks for this wonderful ability.<br />

Take a moment to inwardly enjoy the sensation of spreading warmth<br />

in the throat area, warmth that comes from breathing in gratitude and<br />

releasing any tightness. With your smile in your throat area, allow<br />

anything we have said that was harmful to be released–just allow<br />

anything negative to be dissolved into the earth without any further<br />

judgment<br />

And now, with the next inhalation, bring the inner smile to your<br />

heart. Take a moment to memorize the spreading comfort and warmth,<br />

and allow this feeling of good energy to fill more and more of your chest,<br />

spreading outward into your neck and face and downward into your<br />

belly and legs. Allow yourself to be filled with the sensation radiating<br />

from your inner smile, from your heart. Use this time to experience the<br />

feeling of the inner smile alive in every cell. If you know of someone who<br />

needs love and support at this time, see them in your mind’s eye smiling,<br />

see them happy and in light. Breathing in and breathing out, be with<br />

them in this way.<br />

And when you feel you have connected with them, imagine yourself<br />

receiving from them the same loving energy. See and really feel yourself<br />

receiving their good energy. Spend some time exploring this. If there are<br />

others to whom you wish to send this energy, do so now.<br />

When you feel that you are done, bring your attention back to the<br />

sensation of your smile. Continue to breathe normally and, when you are<br />

ready, return to this room at this time. Open your eyes, stretch, and take<br />

a few moments to gently come back alert to this room and time. Begin<br />

to write out your experience.<br />


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