The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F_ck

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had sexually abused her as a child. It was a shock to her, a

repressed memory she had spent most of her adult life

oblivious to. But at the age of thirty-seven, she confronted

her father and also told her family what had happened.

Meredith’s news horrified her entire family. Her father

immediately denied having done anything. Some family

members sided with Meredith. Others sided with her father.

The family tree was split in two. And the pain that had

defined Meredith’s relationship with her father since long

before her accusation now spread like a mold across its

branches. It tore everyone apart.

Then, in 1996, Meredith came to another startling

realization: her father actually hadn’t sexually abused her. (I

know: oops.) She, with the help of a well-intentioned

therapist, had actually invented the memory. Consumed by

guilt, she spent the rest of her father’s life attempting to

reconcile with him and other family members through

constant apologizing and explaining. But it was too late. Her

father passed away and her family would never be the


It turned out Meredith wasn’t alone. As she describes in

her autobiography, My Lie: A True Story of False Memory,

throughout the 1980s, many women accused male family

members of sexual abuse only to turn around and recant

years later. Similarly, there was a whole swath of people

who claimed during that same decade that there were

satanic cults abusing children, yet despite police

investigations in dozens of cities, police never found any

evidence of the crazy practices described.

Why were people suddenly inventing memories of

horrible abuse in families and cults? And why was it all

happening then, in the 1980s?

Ever play the telephone game as a kid? You know, you

say something in one person’s ear and it gets passed

through like ten people, and what the last person hears is

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