The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F_ck

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Before we can look at our values and prioritizations and

change them into better, healthier ones, we must first

become uncertain of our current values. We must

intellectually strip them away, see their faults and biases,

see how they don’t fit in with much of the rest of the world,

to stare our own ignorance in the face and concede,

because our own ignorance is greater than us all.

Manson’s Law of Avoidance

Chances are you’ve heard some form of Parkinson’s law:

“Work expands so as to fill up the time available for its


You’ve also undoubtedly heard of Murphy’s law:

“Whatever can go wrong will go wrong.”

Well, next time you’re at a swanky cocktail party and you

want to impress somebody, try dropping Manson’s law of

avoidance on them:

The more something threatens your identity, the

more you will avoid it.

That means the more something threatens to change

how you view yourself, how successful/unsuccessful you

believe yourself to be, how well you see yourself living up to

your values, the more you will avoid ever getting around to

doing it.

There’s a certain comfort that comes with knowing how

you fit in the world. Anything that shakes up that comfort—

even if it could potentially make your life better—is

inherently scary.

Manson’s law applies to both good and bad things in life.

Making a million dollars could threaten your identity just as

much as losing all your money; becoming a famous rock

star could threaten your identity just as much as losing your

job. This is why people are often so afraid of success—for

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