The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F_ck

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dies. The girl is so upset that she drinks a potion that will

put her to sleep for two days. But, unfortunately, the young

couple hasn’t learned the ins and outs of good marital

communication yet, and the young girl totally forgets to

mention something about it to her new husband. The young

man therefore mistakes his new wife’s self-induced coma for

suicide. He then totally loses his marbles and he commits

suicide, thinking he’s going to be with her in the afterlife or

some shit. But then she wakes up from her two-day coma,

only to learn that her new husband has committed suicide,

so she has the exact same idea and kills herself too. The


Romeo and Juliet is synonymous with “romance” in our

culture today. It is seen as the love story in English-speaking

culture, an emotional ideal to live up to. Yet when you really

get down to what happens in the story, these kids are

absolutely out of their fucking minds. And they just killed

themselves to prove it!

It’s suspected by many scholars that Shakespeare wrote

Romeo and Juliet not to celebrate romance, but rather to

satirize it, to show how absolutely nutty it was. He didn’t

mean for the play to be a glorification of love. In fact, he

meant it to be the opposite: a big flashing neon sign

blinking KEEP OUT, with police tape around it saying DO NOT


For most of human history, romantic love was not

celebrated as it is now. In fact, up until the mid-nineteenth

century or so, love was seen as an unnecessary and

potentially dangerous psychological impediment to the

more important things in life—you know, like farming well

and/or marrying a guy with a lot of sheep. Young people

were often forcibly steered clear of their romantic passions

in favor of practical economic marriages that would yield

stability for both them and their families.

But today, we all get brain boners for this kind of batshit

crazy love. It dominates our culture. And the more dramatic,

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