The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F_ck

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and drunk an entire bottle of sake by herself. (In fact, she’s

about halfway through bottle number two now.) It’s four

o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon.

I didn’t invite her here. She found out where I was via the

Internet and flew out to come find me.


She’s done this before. You see, Erin is convinced that

she can cure death, but she’s also convinced that she needs

my help to do it. But not my help in like a business sense. If

she just needed some PR advice or something, that would

be one thing. No, it’s more than that: she needs me to be

her boyfriend. Why? After three hours of questioning and a

bottle and a half of sake, it still isn’t clear.

My fiancée was with us in the restaurant, by the way. Erin

thought it important that she be included in the discussion;

Erin wanted her to know that she was “willing to share” me

and that my girlfriend (now wife) “shouldn’t feel

threatened” by her.

I met Erin at a self-help seminar in 2008. She seemed like

a nice enough person. A little bit on the woo-woo, New Agey

side of things, but she was a lawyer and had gone to an Ivy

League school, and was clearly smart. And she laughed at

my jokes and thought I was cute—so, of course, knowing

me, I slept with her.

A month later, she invited me to uproot across the

country and move in with her. This struck me as somewhat

of a red flag, and so I tried to break things off with her. She

responded by saying that she would kill herself if I refused

to be with her. Okay, so make that two red flags. I promptly

blocked her from my email and all my devices.

This would slow her down but not stop her.

Years before I met her, Erin had gotten into a car

accident and nearly died. Actually, she had medically “died”

for a few moments—all brain activity had stopped—but she

had somehow miraculously been revived. When she “came

back,” she claimed everything had changed. She became a

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