The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F_ck

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rape and abuse women out of their certainty that they’re

entitled to women’s bodies.

Evil people never believe that they are evil; rather, they

believe that everyone else is evil.

In controversial experiments, now simply known as the

Milgram Experiments, named for the psychologist Stanley

Milgram, researchers told “normal” people that they were to

punish other volunteers for breaking various rules. And

punish them they did, sometimes escalating the punishment

to the point of physical abuse. Almost none of the punishers

objected or asked for explanation. On the contrary, many of

them seemed to relish the certainty of the moral

righteousness bestowed upon them by the experiments.

The problem here is that not only is certainty

unattainable, but the pursuit of certainty often breeds more

(and worse) insecurity.

Many people have an unshakable certainty in their ability

at their job or in the amount of salary they should be

making. But that certainty makes them feel worse, not

better. They see others getting promoted over them, and

they feel slighted. They feel unappreciated and


Even a behavior as simple as sneaking a peek at your

boyfriend’s text messages or asking a friend what people

are saying about you is driven by insecurity and that aching

desire to be certain.

You can check your boyfriend’s text messages and find

nothing, but that’s rarely the end of it; then you may start

wondering if he has a second phone. You can feel slighted

and stepped over at work to explain why you missed out on

a promotion, but then that causes you to distrust your

coworkers and second-guess everything they say to you

(and how you think they feel about you), which in turn

makes you even less likely to get promoted. You can keep

pursuing that special someone you’re “supposed” to be

with, but with each rebuffed advance and each lonely night,

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