The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F_ck

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victim or dismal failure. Instead, measure yourself by more

mundane identities: a student, a partner, a friend, a creator.

The narrower and rarer the identity you choose for

yourself, the more everything will seem to threaten you. For

that reason, define yourself in the simplest and most

ordinary ways possible.

This often means giving up some grandiose ideas about

yourself: that you’re uniquely intelligent, or spectacularly

talented, or intimidatingly attractive, or especially

victimized in ways other people could never imagine. This

means giving up your sense of entitlement and your belief

that you’re somehow owed something by this world. This

means giving up the supply of emotional highs that you’ve

been sustaining yourself on for years. Like a junkie giving up

the needle, you’re going to go through withdrawal when you

start giving these things up. But you’ll come out the other

side so much better.

How to Be a Little Less Certain of Yourself

Questioning ourselves and doubting our own thoughts and

beliefs is one of the hardest skills to develop. But it can be

done. Here are some questions that will help you breed a

little more uncertainty in your life.

Question #1: What if I’m wrong?

A friend of mine recently got engaged to be married. The

guy who proposed to her is pretty solid. He doesn’t drink. He

doesn’t hit her or mistreat her. He’s friendly and has a good


But since the engagement, my friend’s brother has been

admonishing her nonstop about her immature life choices,

warning her that she’s going to hurt herself with this guy,

that she’s making a mistake, that she’s being irresponsible.

And whenever my friend asks her brother, “What is your

problem? Why does this bother you so much?” he acts as

though there is no problem, that nothing about the

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