The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F_ck

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However, thousands of Japanese soldiers were still

scattered among the Pacific isles, and most, like Onoda,

were hiding in the jungle, unaware that the war was over.

These holdouts continued to fight and pillage as they had

before. This was a real problem for rebuilding eastern Asia

after the war, and the governments agreed something must

be done.

The U.S. military, in conjunction with the Japanese

government, dropped thousands of leaflets throughout the

Pacific region, announcing that the war was over and it was

time for everyone to go home. Onoda and his men, like

many others, found and read these leaflets, but unlike most

of the others, Onoda decided that they were fake, a trap set

by the American forces to get the guerrilla fighters to show

themselves. Onoda burned the leaflets, and he and his men

stayed hidden and continued to fight.

Five years went by. The leaflets had stopped, and most of

the American forces had long since gone home. The local

population on Lubang attempted to return to their normal

lives of farming and fishing. Yet there were Hiroo Onoda and

his merry men, still shooting at the farmers, burning their

crops, stealing their livestock, and murdering locals who

wandered too far into the jungle. The Philippine government

then took to drawing up new flyers and spreading them out

across the jungle. Come out, they said. The war is over. You


But these, too, were ignored.

In 1952, the Japanese government made one final effort

to draw the last remaining soldiers out of hiding throughout

the Pacific. This time, letters and pictures from the missing

soldiers’ families were air-dropped, along with a personal

note from the emperor himself. Once again, Onoda refused

to believe that the information was real. Once again, he

believed the airdrop to be a trick by the Americans. Once

again, he and his men stood and continued to fight.

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