The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F_ck

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who came to me perplexed by their own VCR questions:

“How do I apply for a job?” or “How do I tell this guy I want

to be his girlfriend?” and the like.

During the first couple years I worked for myself, entire

weeks would go by without my accomplishing much, for no

other reason than that I was anxious and stressed about

what I had to do, and it was too easy to put everything off. I

quickly learned, though, that forcing myself to do

something, even the most menial of tasks, quickly made the

larger tasks seem much easier. If I had to redesign an entire

website, I’d force myself to sit down and would say, “Okay,

I’ll just design the header right now.” But after the header

was done, I’d find myself moving on to other parts of the

site. And before I knew it, I’d be energized and engaged in

the project.

The author Tim Ferriss relates a story he once heard

about a novelist who had written over seventy novels.

Someone asked the novelist how he was able to write so

consistently and remain inspired and motivated. He replied,

“Two hundred crappy words per day, that’s it.” The idea was

that if he forced himself to write two hundred crappy words,

more often than not the act of writing would inspire him;

and before he knew it, he’d have thousands of words down

on the page.

If we follow the “do something” principle, failure feels

unimportant. When the standard of success becomes

merely acting—when any result is regarded as progress and

important, when inspiration is seen as a reward rather than

a prerequisite—we propel ourselves ahead. We feel free to

fail, and that failure moves us forward.

The “do something” principle not only helps us overcome

procrastination, but it’s also the process by which we adopt

new values. If you’re in the midst of an existential shitstorm

and everything feels meaningless—if all the ways you used

to measure yourself have come up short and you have no

idea what’s next, if you know that you’ve been hurting

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