The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F_ck

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going to start crying at inappropriate times.

Let’s say the first layer of the self-awareness onion is a

simple understanding of one’s emotions. “This is when I feel

happy.” “This makes me feel sad.” “This gives me hope.”

Unfortunately, there are many people who suck at even

this most basic level of self-awareness. I know because I’m

one of them. My wife and I sometimes have a fun back-andforth

that goes something like this:

HER. What’s wrong?

ME. Nothing’s wrong. Nothing at all.

HER. No, something’s wrong. Tell me.

ME. I’m fine. Really.

HER. Are you sure? You look upset.

ME, with nervous laughter. Really? No, I’m okay,


[Thirty minutes later . . . ]

ME. . . . And that’s why I’m so fucking pissed off! He just acts as if I don’t

exist half the time.

We all have emotional blind spots. Often they have to do

with the emotions that we were taught were inappropriate

growing up. It takes years of practice and effort to get good

at identifying blind spots in ourselves and then expressing

the affected emotions appropriately. But this task is hugely

important, and worth the effort.

The second layer of the self-awareness onion is an ability

to ask why we feel certain emotions.

These why questions are difficult and often take months

or even years to answer consistently and accurately. Most

people need to go to some sort of therapist just to hear

these questions asked for the first time. Such questions are

important because they illuminate what we consider

success or failure. Why do you feel angry? Is it because you

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