FM 3-34.22 - Army Electronic Publications & Forms - U.S. Army

FM 3-34.22 - Army Electronic Publications & Forms - U.S. Army

FM 3-34.22 - Army Electronic Publications & Forms - U.S. Army


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Glossary<br />

EHCC explosive hazards coordination cell<br />

EHDB explosive hazards database<br />

EHT explosive hazard team<br />

EI2RC Engineering Infrastructure and Intelligence Reachback Center<br />

eMILPO electronic military personnel office<br />

EMT emergency medical treatment<br />

EN engineer<br />

ENCOORD engineer coordinator<br />

eng engineer<br />

EOCA explosive ordnance clearance agent<br />

EOD explosive ordnance disposal<br />

EPLRS Enhanced Position Location Reporting System<br />

EPW enemy prisoner of war<br />

ERDC Engineer Research and Development Center<br />

ERP engineer regulating point<br />

ERT engineer reconnaissance team<br />

ESV engineer squad vehicle<br />

EW electronic warfare<br />

FA field artillery<br />

FAC forward air controller<br />

FACE forward aviation combat engineering<br />

FARP forward arming and refueling point<br />

FBCB2 Force XXI battle command–brigade and below<br />

FC fires cell<br />

FDC fire direction center<br />

FEBA forward edge of the battle area<br />

FFE field force engineering<br />

FFIR friendly force information requirement<br />

FID foreign internal defense<br />

<strong>FM</strong> field manual<br />

<strong>FM</strong>C field maintenance company<br />

<strong>FM</strong>I field manual interim<br />

<strong>FM</strong>T field maintenance team<br />

FOB forward operating base<br />

FOD foreign object damage<br />

FRAGO fragmentary order<br />

FS fire support<br />

FSC forward support company<br />

FSCOORD fire support coordinator<br />

FSE fire support element<br />

Glossary-4 <strong>FM</strong> 3-<strong>34.22</strong> 11 February 2009

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