FM 3-34.22 - Army Electronic Publications & Forms - U.S. Army

FM 3-34.22 - Army Electronic Publications & Forms - U.S. Army

FM 3-34.22 - Army Electronic Publications & Forms - U.S. Army


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Engineer Support to Lethal and Nonlethal Fires<br />

and joint suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD). The ALO is a senior USAF officer,<br />

usually a major. The ALO directs the BCT TACP, supervises forward air controllers (FACs),<br />

and processes air support requests for the BCT.<br />

� Targeting officer. The targeting officer in the FC facilitates the exchange of information<br />

between the BCT S-2 and subordinate fires cells. The targeting officer’s primary responsibilities<br />

are to help the S-2 and S-3 develop the ISR plan, develop the AGM, produce the TSS, and<br />

manage target lists.<br />

� <strong>Electronic</strong> attack officer. The electronic attack officer’s targeting responsibilities include<br />

determining HPTs to engage with electronic attack and coordinating tasking requirements for<br />

electronic attack assets.<br />

� Public affairs officer (PAO). The PAO is on the commander’s personal staff, but often<br />

participates in targeting, especially those with nonlethal effects. The primary duty of the PAO is<br />

advising the commander of the public affairs (PA) impacts and implications of planned or<br />

current operations. The PAO monitors media and public opinion and facilitates media efforts to<br />

cover operations by expediting the flow of complete, accurate, and timely information.<br />

� BCT PSYOP officer. The BCT PSYOP officer is responsible for planning, integrating, and<br />

monitoring all tactical PSYOP within the BCT AO. The PSYOP officer advises the BCT<br />

commander and staff on the psychological effects of BCT operations on the indigenous<br />

population and serves as the commander’s resident staff expert on culture and psyche. As a<br />

member of the FC, the PSYOP officer coordinates, synchronizes, and deconflicts PSYOP with<br />

IO. The PSYOP officer plans, coordinates, and monitors BCT operations that focus on<br />

influencing, informing, deceiving, disrupting, delaying, degrading, or destroying adversary<br />

INFOSYS.<br />

� BCT civil affairs staff officer (S-5). The BCT S-5’s targeting responsibilities include providing<br />

advice on the effects of friendly actions on the civilian population, providing input to the<br />

restricted target list, and providing assessments on the effectiveness of CA activities.<br />

� Brigade judge advocate (BJA). The BJA serves as both a personal and special staff officer. As<br />

a personal staff officer, the primary duty of the BJA is to advise the commander on operational,<br />

military, administrative, and fiscal law and all other areas of the law as required. As a special<br />

staff officer, the BJA (or the operational law judge advocate or trial counsel) provides legal<br />

advice regarding ROE, targeting, and other legal aspects of the operation.<br />

� ENCOORD. The ENCOORD plays a vital role in targeting lethal and nonlethal fires. The<br />

ENCOORD’s major role is ensuring that lethal fires are integrated with obstacles to provide<br />

desired effects and planning and coordinating artillery-delivered and tactical aircraft-delivered<br />

SCATMINES. The ENCOORD ensures these obstacles meet the BCT commander’s intent and<br />

are placed in the most advantageous location with reinforcing terrain. The ENCOORD also—<br />

� Participates in the targeting working group and attends targeting meetings (discussed<br />

further in the following text).<br />

� Coordinates for establishing critical friendly zones (CFZs) at planned breach and crossing<br />

sites.<br />

� Coordinates the survivability effort to protect critical FS assets (radars).<br />

� Advises the BCT commander and FC on environmental considerations (as the integrator)<br />

that may be affected by lethal fires.<br />

� Advises the staff on possible damage to local infrastructure (as the integrator) which could<br />

adversely affect the attitude of the local population.<br />

� Advises the commander of impacts on assured mobility caused by lethal fires.<br />

5-17. During the execution phase of operations, the targeting working group (chaired by the XO)<br />

continually assesses the current situation, tracks decision points, prepares update briefs for the commander,<br />

and looks toward the future (generally 24 to 36 hours at the BCT level, depending on the mission). The<br />

11 February 2009 <strong>FM</strong> 3-<strong>34.22</strong> 5-5

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