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Moran, M. S., 1994. Irrigation management in Arizona using satellites and airplanes. IrrigationScience, 15:35-44.Moran, M. S., Inoue, Y., and Barnes, E. M., 1997. Opportunities and limitations for image basedremote sensing in precision crop management. Remote Sensing Environment, 61: 319-346.Moran, M. S., 2001. Thermal infrared measurements as an indicator of plant ecosystem health. InPress.Neale, C.M.U., Bausch W.C., and. Heerman D.F., 1989. Development of reflectance-based cropcoefficients for corn. Trans. ASAE, 32(6): 1891-1899.Olioso, A., Chauki, H., Courault, D., and Wigneron, J.-P., 1999, Estimation of evapotranspirationand photosynthesis by assimilation of remote sensing data into SVAT models, RemoteSensing of Environment, 68: 341–356.Paço, T. A., Ferreira, M. I., Conceiçao, N. 2006 Peach orchard evapotranspiration in a sandy soil:Comparison between eddy covariance measurements and estimates by the FAO 56approach. Agricultural Water Management, 85: 305-313.Palomo, M.J., Moreno F., Fernandez, J.E., Diaz- Espejo A., Giron I.F., 2002. Determining waterconsumption in olive orchards using the water balance approach. Agricultural WaterManagement, 55: 15-35.Pastor, M. and Orgaz, F. 1994. Riego deficitario del olivar: los programas de recorte de riego enolivar. Agricultura no 746: 768-776 (in spanish).Penman, H.L., 1948, Natural Evaporation from Open Water, Bare Soil, and Grass, Proc. R. Soc.London, A193, pp. 116-140.Praloran, J. C. 1971. Les agrumes. Techniques Agricoles et production tropicale.Priestley, C.H.B. and R.J. Taylor, 1972, On the Assessment of Surface Heat Flux andEvaporation Using Large Scale Parameters, Monthly Weather Review, 100, pp. 81-92.Purevdorj, T.S., R. Tateishi, T. Ishiyama et Y. Honda, 1998. Relationships between percentvegetation cover and vegetation indices, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19:3519- 3535.Reginato, R. J., Jackson, R. D., & Pinter, J. P., 1985. Evapotranspiration calculated from remotemultispectral and ground station meteorological data, Remote Sensing of Environment,18: 75– 89.100

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