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6. Ezzahar J., Chehbouni A., Hoedjes, J.C.B., Er-Raki S., Chehbouni Ah, and J-M Bonnefond, and DeBruin, H.A.R. (2007). The use of the Scintillation Technique for estimating and monitoring waterconsumption of olive orchards in a semi-arid region, Agricultural Water Management, 89,173-184.7. Simonneux, V., Duchemin, B., Helson, D., Er-Raki, S., Olioso, A., Chehbouni, A. Using highresolution image time series for crop classification and evapotranspiration estimate over an irrigatedarea in south Morocco. International Journal of Remote Sensing(accepté)8. Hadria, R., B. Duchemin, A. Lahrouni, S. Khabba, S. Er-Raki, G. Dedieu, A. Chehbouni and A.Olioso, 2006. “Monitoring of irrigated wheat in a semi-arid climate using crop modelling and remotesensing data: Impact of satellite revisit time frequency”. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 27:1093-1117.9. Williams, D. G, W. Cable, K. Hultine, J.C.B. Hoedjes, E.A. Yepez, V. Simonneaux, S. Er-Raki, G.Boulet, H.A.R. de Bruin, A. Chehbouni, O.K. Hartogensis, and F. Timouk. 2004. Evapotranspirationcomponents determined by stable isotope, sap flow and eddy covariance technique. Agricultural andForest Meteorology, 125:241-258.10. Duchemin, B., Hagolle O., Mougenot B., Simonneaux V., Benhadj I., Hadria R., Ezzahar J., Hoedjes J.,Khabba S.,. Kharrou M.H, Boulet G., Dedieu G., Er-Raki S., Escadafal R., Olioso A., ChehbouniA.G.. Agrometerological study of semi-arid areas: an experiment for analysing the potential ofFORMOSAT-2 time series of images in the Tensift-Marrakech plain. International Journal of Remotesensing (accepté).11. Ezzahar J., Chehbouni A., Hoedjes J.C.B., Er-Raki S., Duchemin B. and Ah. Chehbouni. The use ofthe Scintillation Technique for estimating evapotranspiration ET over several agricultural fields insemi-arid region. Plant Biosystems (Soumis).12. Chehbouni, A., Escadafal, R., Boulet, G., Duchemin, B., Simonneaux, V., Dedieu, G.,Mougenot, B.,Khabba, S., Kharrou, H., Merlin, O., Chaponnière, A., Ezzahar, J., Er-Raki, S., Hoedjes, J., Hadria, R.,Abourida, H., Cheggour, A., Raibi, F., Hanich, L., Guemouria, N., Chehbouni, Ah., Olioso, A., Jacob,F., Sobrino, J., 2007. The Use of Remotely Sensed data for Integrated Hydrological Modeling in Aridand Semi-Arid Regions: the SUDMED Program. International Journal of Remote sensing (accepté).Communications dans des colloques nationaux et internationaux1. Er-Raki, S., Guemouria, N., Chehbouni, G., Fachtali, B., Ezzahar, J., Hadria, R. and Chehbouni, A.Measurement and modelling evapotranspiration of irrigated citrus orchard under drip and floodirrigations. 3rd International Conference on Water Resources in Mediterranean basin: WATMED 3",Lebanon, Tripoli, 1-3 November 2006.2. Er-Raki, S., Chehbouni, G., Guemouria, N., Duchemin, B., Ezzahar, J., Hadria, R. and BenHadj, I.,2006, Driven FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach with remotely-sensed data for estimating waterconsumptions of wheat crops in a semi-arid region. Second Recent Advances in Quantitative RemoteSensing, Ed. José A. Sobrino, Servicio de Publicaciones, Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, 2006, pp.431-636.v

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