13.01.2015 Aufrufe





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<strong>Abschlussbericht</strong><br />

Trusted Sensor Node<br />

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology<br />

NMI None-Maskable Interrupt<br />

NVRAM Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory<br />

OSI Open Systems Interconnection<br />

OTP One Time Programmable<br />

PC Programm Counter<br />

PCB Printed Circuit Board<br />

PHY Physical Layers<br />

PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator<br />

PPP Point-to-Point Protocol<br />

RAM Random Access Memory<br />

RFID Radio Frequenzy Identification<br />

SAFER Secure And Fast Encryption Routine<br />

SDP Service Discovery Protocol<br />

SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithmus 1<br />

SNMP Simple Network Managment Protocol<br />

SoC System-on-Chip<br />

SPI Serial Peripheral Interface<br />

SPP Serial Port Profile<br />

SRAM Static Random Access Memory<br />

SSL Secure Sockets Layer<br />

TBC Trusted Boot Chain<br />

TBR Trap Base Register<br />

TC Trusted Computing<br />

TCP Transmission Control Protocol<br />

TCB Trusted Code Base<br />

TCG Trusted Computing Group<br />

(T)FTP (Trivial) File Transfer Protocol<br />

TSN Trusted Sensor Node<br />

UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter<br />

VHDL Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language<br />


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