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<strong>Abschlussbericht</strong><br />

Trusted Sensor Node<br />

[14] Z. Dyka and P. Langendörfer. Area Efficient Hardware Implementation of Elliptic<br />

Curve Cryptography by Iteratively Applying Karatsuba’s Method. In DATE, 2005.<br />

[15] eCos Reference Manual, 2008.<br />

http://ecos.sourceware.org/docs-latest/ref/ecos-ref.html.<br />

[16] eCosCentric - eCos Snapshots.<br />

http://www.ecoscentric.com/devzone/snapshots.shtml.<br />

[17] K. Fall and S. Floyd. Simulation-based Comparisons of Tahoe, Reno, and SACK<br />

TCP. Website.<br />

http://www.icir.org/floyd/papers/sacks.pdf.<br />

[18] The Fiasco microkernel.<br />

http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/fiasco/.<br />

[19] S. Floyd, T. Henderson, and A. Gurtov. IETF_RFC: RFC3782 - The NewReno<br />

Modification to TCP’s Fast Recovery Algorithm. Website, 2004.<br />

http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3782.html.<br />

[20] S.H. Gunderson. RIPE-57 Dubai: Global IPv6 statistics. Website, Oktober 2008.<br />

http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-57/presentations/Coli<br />

tti-Global_IPv6_statistics_-_Measuring_the_current_state_of<br />

_IPv6_for_ordinary_users_.7gzD.pdf.<br />

[21] G. Huston. IPv4 Address Report. Website.<br />

http://www.potaroo.net/tools/ipv4/index.html.<br />

[22] T. Itoh and S. Tsujii. A Fast Algorithm for Computing Multiplicative Inverses in<br />

GF(2m) using Normal Bases. In Inf. Comput, 1988.<br />

[23] V. Jacobson and R. Braden. IETF_RFC: RFC1072 - TCP extensions for long-delay<br />

paths. Website, 1988.<br />

http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1072.html.<br />

[24] D. Johnson, J. Arkko, and C. Perkins. IETF_RFC: RFC3775 - Mobility support for<br />

IPv6. Website, 2004.<br />

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3775.<br />

[25] Keithley. Datasheet Keithley Series 2600. Website, 2010.<br />

http://www.keithley.de/dataasset=50827.<br />

[26] L4ka::pistachio microkernel.<br />

http://l4ka.org/projects/pistachio/.<br />

[27] Dr. P. Langendörfer, F. Vater, S. Peter, G. Panic, and T. Basmer. Deliverable 1.1 und<br />

1.1a Trusted Sensor Node - Hardwareversion 1, 2009.<br />


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