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<strong>Abschlussbericht</strong><br />

Trusted Sensor Node<br />

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[30] Lesswire - leading in wireless worlds: Startseite.<br />

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[31] LGPL.<br />

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[32] J. López and R. Dahab. Fast multiplication on elliptic curves over gf(2m) without<br />

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[33] Modified GPL for eCos.<br />

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[34] NIST Computer Security Division. FIPS 180-1, 2001.<br />

[35] NIST Computer Security Division. FIPS 186-1, 2001.<br />

[36] NIST Computer Security Division. FIPS 186-2, 2001.<br />

[37] NIST Computer Security Division. FIPS 197: Advanced Encryption Standard, 2001.<br />

[38] Okl4-open kernel labs.<br />

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[39] S. Peter and P. Langendörfer. An efficient polynomial multiplier in gf(2m) and its<br />

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[40] S. Peter, P. Langendörfer, and K. Piotrowski. Flexible hardware reduction for elliptic<br />

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[41] S. Peter, M. Zessack, F. Vater, G. Panic, H. Frankenfeldt, and M. Methfessel. An<br />

Encryption-Enabled Network Protocol Accelerator. In Wired/Wireless Internet<br />

Communications, 6th International Conference, WWIC 2008, Tampere, Finland, May<br />

28-30, 2008, Proceedings, pages 79–91, 2008.<br />

[42] POSIX. IEEE Std 1003.2-1992 (POSIX.2).<br />

[43] M. Ramkumar and N. Memon. An Efficient Random Key Pre-distributin Scheme.<br />

IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communication, 23, 2005.<br />


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