11.12.2012 Aufrufe

Kursbuch eLearning 2004 - Leuphana

Kursbuch eLearning 2004 - Leuphana

Kursbuch eLearning 2004 - Leuphana


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FlyMove<br />

FlyMove<br />

The aim of FlyMove is to utilise the advantages of multimedial presentations to facilitate<br />

understanding of Drosophila development. FlyMove contains animations and 3D-representations,<br />

facilitating abstraction of complex processes, morphogenetic movements or anatomic<br />

setups. In addition, microscope images and movies help to integrate these processes with<br />

real life. The use of electronic media allows retrieving information bit by bit into a single scheme<br />

on screen. In addition, interactivity has been frequently implemented allowing to retrive<br />

information at request, in individual order and speed. To convey three-dimensionality we created<br />

camera-flights around a developing structure made by 3D-animation programs. Finally, a<br />

„virtual microscope format allows to interactively focus through stacks of sections.<br />

Understanding development requires, viewing how different morphogenetic processes<br />

are integrated over time. We generated two types of movies. In „Morph-movies”, images of<br />

selected developmental stages are combined to generate animated high quality pictures of<br />

stained embryos. Alternatively in vivo expression of GFP is used to follow the developmental<br />

processes in the living embryo.<br />

The above mentioned media are combined with text and images to introduce development to<br />

the student as well as to the lecturer who is seeking informative sources for teaching. Several<br />

options to navigate through FlyMove are imbedded in five main folders. In addition, information<br />

on specific topics and media can also be retrieved by search options.<br />

The Stages folder provides an overview of the specific morphogenetic events of all embryonic<br />

stages, accompanied by schematic drawings, movies and virtual microscopes. In Processes<br />

we introduce important developmental mechanisms to highlight developmental principles<br />

underlying pattern formation, morphogenesis and cellular processes. In Organogenesis, the<br />

development of the main embryonic tissues and organs is covered. The Genetics section<br />

provides an introduction on how to handle flies and explains principles of classical genetics.<br />

Eventually, the main genetic circuits, including examples for signal transduction cascades<br />

and molecular switches, will be assembled. Additional information on central methods used in<br />

developmental biology will be added to the Methods folder.<br />

>>>>> online<br />

331<br />

Neue Medien in der Bildung<br />

Hochschulen geisteswissenschaften<br />




Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster<br />


Prof. Dr. Christian Klämbt<br />


klaembt@uni-muenster.de<br />


Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz<br />

Prof. Dr. Gerd M. Technau<br />

rechts-, wirtschaftsund<br />

sozialwissenschaften ingenieurwissenschaften medizin informatik /mathematik naturwissenschaften register

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