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Appendix CASE ONE - Collection Point® | The Total Digital Asset ...

Appendix CASE ONE - Collection Point® | The Total Digital Asset ...


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100 Legal History in the Making<br />

and eighteenth-century education and teaching dissertations or disputations -<br />

defended in public or privately - occupied an important place. For prospective<br />

jurists in particular, disputing counted as an outstanding practical exercise:<br />

in the Faculty of Medicine in the long run it became obsolete as a teaching<br />

method. 17 On the occasion of an alteration he made in the faculty curriculum<br />

the famous Leyden professor of medicine Herman Boerhaave abolished the<br />

compulsory practice disputation in the early part of the eighteenth century. 18<br />

In eighteenth-century Louvain medical students were obliged to participate in<br />

six practice disputations before taking the licentiate's examination but could<br />

evade that obligation by paying a sum of money. 19<br />

In the nature of things disputing was done orally although perhaps on the<br />

basis of written moot points or theses. After the disputation had taken place<br />

the proceedings might be put down on paper. After the middle ages we see<br />

a gradually increasing importance given to the written piece that lay at the<br />

root of the oral disputation or discussion; after the theses which the professor<br />

praeses propounded, the paper written by the student himself appeared and took<br />

over the name of disputatio. 20 Connected with this evolution is the emergence,<br />

particularly in the seventeenth century, of the practice of writing some textbooks<br />

in the form of a collection of disputationes or exercitationes . 21 In these exercise<br />

disputations the subject matter, for instance a title of the Digest, was treated<br />

17<br />

I have the impression that the literature on the history of faculties of medicine has paid little attention<br />

to the subject of 'practice disputations'; see e.g. R. French, 'Medical Teaching in Aberdeen: From the<br />

Foundation of the University to the Middle of the Seventeenth Century, History of Universities, iii (1983)<br />

127-57. With regard to the German faculties of medicine one can refer to E. Horn, Die Disputationen<br />

und Promotionen an den Deutschen Universitaten vornehmlich seit dem 16. Jahrhundert, mit einem<br />

Anhang enthaltend ein Verzeichnis alter ehemaligen und gegenwartigen deutschen Universitaten, Elftes<br />

Beiheft zum Centralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen (Leipzig, 1893). In the seventeenth century the medical<br />

students of Professor J. van der Linden (1639-51) in Franeker University regularly disputed in public<br />

'exercitii causa'. A bound series of fifty-nine numbered disputationesphysiologicae dating from the period<br />

1648-50 is held in the British Museum; see G.A. Lindeboom, 'Johannes Antonides van der Linden<br />

(1609-64), medisch hoogleraar te Franeker en te Leiden: Zijn betekenis voor de Friese hogeschool',<br />

Universiteit te Franeker, 356-70 at p. 361.<br />

18<br />

Boerhaave was appointed lecturer in 1701 and professor in 1709; he held this position till his death<br />

in 1738.<br />

19<br />

See C. Bruneel, Repertoire des theses imprimees de I'Universite Louvain (1425-1797). Premiere<br />

partie: Faculte de Medecine, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Catalogues, inventaires et repertoires<br />

de la Bibliotheque centrale, iii (Louvain, 1977), VIII, XXIII. Cf. for the early seventeenth century the<br />

text of the Visitatio of 1617, in J. Molanus, Historiae Lovaniensium libri XIV, P. de Ram, ed. 2 vols.<br />

(Brussels, 1861), ii, 971, para. CXX: 'in quibus disputationibus et repetitionibus [Facultatis Medicae],<br />

ne fraus committatur, observari volumus ea, quae superius in disputationibus et repetitionibus juris<br />

studiosorum stride praecepimus'. I owe the references in this and the preceding note to my colleague<br />

Hilde de Ridder-Symoens, of the Free University, Amsterdam.<br />

20<br />

On the development of theses nudae through theses vestitae into treatises which are divided into<br />

chapters see K. Mommsen, Katalog der Busier juristischen Disputationen, 1558-1918. Aus dem Nachlass<br />

herausgegeben von W. Kundert, lus Commune, Sonderhefte, ix (Frankfurt/Main, 1978), 42-57.<br />

21<br />

E. g. for the famous Frisian lawyer, UlrikHuber, T.J.Veen, 'Disputationes Huberianae',// Beaken,<br />

xlvii (1985), 236-37, with supplementary material in Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis, Ivii (1989),<br />


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