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Disputations of Scots Attending Universities in the Netherlands 107<br />

Praeses: Professor Philippus Reinhardus Vitriarius.<br />

Printed: Apud Abrahamum Elzevier, Leyden. 50<br />

Georgius Sharp de Hoddon, Scoto-Britannus, and Christoph. Schiffart, Emdanus.<br />

[Respondentes].<br />

Julius Paulus.<br />

Publicly defended at Groningen between August 1708 and September<br />

1712.<br />

Praeses: Professor Alexander Arnoldus Pagenstecher. 51<br />

Three of these five disputations were written by the professors praesides,<br />

Maestertius or Pagenstecher respectively. Here the only personal contribution<br />

of the student respondens is to be found in the dedication. Probably Robert<br />

Cook and Gilbert Burnet wrote their own disputations. Do these papers<br />

evidence a 'Scottish' background or character? Cook's treatise, consisting<br />

mainly of a discussion of the ideas of Bachovius, contrasts in no way with<br />

the products of his continental colleagues. 52 Burnet on the other hand makes<br />

a personal contribution. Treating the preliminary question whether any war<br />

at all can be considered lawful or justified he quotes the Gospel (Matthew, v,<br />

38,39) ; 53 he then refers inter alia to a 'librum nuperrime editum, cui titulus, An<br />

Exposition of the Articles of the Church of England, Expositio articulorum fidei<br />

Ecclesiae Anglicanae, auctor est Burnetus Salisburiensis Episcopus articulo 37,<br />

pag. 388 in fine & 389. in princ. ubi accuratissime, ut solet, Salvatoris nostri<br />

verba exponit, & dissentientium argumenta inde desumpta refutat'. 54<br />

My tentative conclusion is that the Scots law students in the Netherlands did<br />

not suffer much from the high prices and the poor quality of the paper of<br />

50<br />

Copy in Leyden University Library. Burnet matriculated (at the age of 20) at Leyden as a law<br />

student on 8 September 1699 (Album studiosorum, col. 755). He dedicated his paper ('<strong>The</strong>ses') to<br />

Thomas Burnet, 'Eques auratus, Serenissimi nostri Regis Medicus Primarius, Pater suus optimus' and<br />

to Gilbert [Burnet], bishop of Salisbury, 'Patruus suus'. On 1 July 1703 Burnet was admitted to the<br />

Faculty of Advocates in Edinburgh, see Grant, op. cit., 25.<br />

51<br />

Published as number nine in a volume containing ten dissertations under the name of A.A.<br />

Pagenstecher, Sylloge Dissertationum. 1. De Jure Naturae. 2. etc. (Bremen, 1713). I owe this reference<br />

to my Leyden colleague, R. Feenstra. Copies in Ghent University Library, and Advocates Library,<br />

Edinburgh. This book of Pagenstecher is not mentioned in Dekkers, 128. On 2 December 1712 George<br />

Sharp, of Hoddam, was admitted to the Faculty of Advocates in Edinburgh, see Grant, op. cit., 190.<br />

52<br />

See R. Bachovius ab Echt, Notae et animadversiones ad disputationes Hieronymi Treutleri, 3 vols.<br />

(Heidelberg, 1617-19).<br />

53<br />

'Audistis dictum fuisse, oculum pro oculo, et dentem pro dente. Ego vero dico vobis, ne resistite<br />

malo, sed caedenti te in dexteram maxillam alteram quoque obverte' (Disputatio, 12).<br />

54<br />

Disputatio, 13. Another reference to the famous Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles (1699) is<br />

found in section 24 (p.21); for the rest Burnet leans heavily on P.R. Vitriarius, Institutiones juris<br />

naturae et gentium in usum Christiani Ludovici marchionis Brandenburgici ad methodum Hugonis<br />

Grotii conscriptae (Leyden, 1692) (cf. Ahsmann and Feenstra, no. 1001) and H. Grotius, De iure<br />

belli ac pacis libri ires, in quibus ins naturae et gentium, item iuris publici praecipua explicantur (Paris,<br />

1625). Cf. on Bishop Burnet, D.N.B., iii, 394-405 and R. Chambers, A Biographical Dictionary of<br />

Eminent Scotsmen, 3 vols. T. Thomson, ed. (rptd. Hildesheim-New York, 1971), i, 243-48.

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