Appendix CASE ONE - Collection Point® | The Total Digital Asset ...

Appendix CASE ONE - Collection Point® | The Total Digital Asset ...

Appendix CASE ONE - Collection Point® | The Total Digital Asset ...


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Disputations of Scots Attending Universities in the Netherlands 105<br />

particularly spectacular results. After consulting the card index of Dutch<br />

disputations, dissertations and academic orations set up by Professor S. van<br />

der Woude and placed in the university library in Amsterdam, and after going<br />

through many volumes of collected disputations, 45 and examining library<br />

and publishers' catalogues, 46 I have tracked down only five legal practice<br />

disputations:<br />

Robertus Sinclair, Scoto-Britannus. Respondens.<br />

[Disputatio] de dividuis et individuis.<br />

Divided into thirteen theses. Added are 10 parerga.<br />

45 Besides the two undermentioned collections in the names of Maestertius and Pagenstecher<br />

I went through: E. Bronchorst, Methodus feudorum quatuor publicis disputationibus in illustri<br />

academ. Ultra], repetita notisque et moribus illustrata, autore et praeside Cypriano Regneri ab<br />

Oosterga (Utrecht, 1652) listed in M. Ahsmann and R. Feenstra, Bibliografie van hoogleraren in<br />

de rechten aan de Leidse Universiteit tot 1811, Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Rechtswetenschap,<br />

Deel vii, Afl. 1 (Amsterdam-Oxford-New York, 1984), no.103; J. Maestertius, Analysis juris feudalis<br />

sex disputationibus comprehensa, quas in Batavorum Academia exercitii gratia sub praesidio lacobi<br />

Maestertii publice disquirendas proposuerunt sex candidati, quorum nomina singulis disputationibus<br />

adscripta sunt (Leyden, 1637) (Ahsmann and Feenstra, no.342); B. Schotanus, Disputationes juridicae<br />

ad seriem materiae Pandectarum conscriptae a Bernardo Schotano, quibus fundamenta iuris per rationes<br />

decidendi ac dubitandi explicantur (Amsterdam, 1653) (Ahsmann and Feenstra, no.591); C. van Eck,<br />

Desectis etphilosophia iurisconsultorum (Jena, 1724) (not mentioned in R. Dekkers, Bibliotheca Belgica<br />

Juridica, een bio-bibliographisch overzicht der rechtsgeleerdheid in de Nederlanden van de vroegste tijden<br />

af tot 1800, Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academic voor Wetenschappen, Letteren<br />

en Schone Kunsten van Belgie, Klasse der Letteren, Jaargang xiii, no.14, (Brussels, 1951), 50; A.<br />

Matthaeus [II], De judiciis disputationes quindecim (Utrecht, 1639) (Dekkers, 111, no.3); idem, De<br />

judiciis disputationes septendecim in illustri academia quae est Trajecti ad Rhenum publice propositae<br />

ab Anth. Matthaeo (editio posthuma, Amsterdam, 1665) (Dekkers, 111, no.3); idem, Disputationes<br />

de obligationibus XLU, de criminibus vn, de servitutibus vn etc. (ed. posthuma, Utrecht, 1660)<br />

(Dekkers, 112, no.l, mentioning, however, A. Matthaeus III as the author); idem, Disputationes<br />

de successionibus xx, de matrimoniis xm, de tutelis v etc. (Utrecht, 1652) (Dekkers, 111,<br />

no.5); C.R. ab Oosterga, Censura Belgica seu novae notae et animadversiones quibus omnes et<br />

singulae leges, quae continentur in XII libris Codicis, moribus praecipue Belgii . . . confirmantur<br />

etc. Hisce ob connexionem causae accedunt ejusdem auctoris disputationes juridicae (Utrecht,<br />

1666) (Dekkers, 126, nos.17 and 18); P. Voet, Disputationes ix de justitia etjure in Acad. Ultraj.<br />

publice ventilatae (Utrecht, 1654-58) (not mentioned in Dekkers, 181-82); A. Matthaeus<br />

[I], Collegia juris sex: unum fundamentorum juris, alterum Institutionum, tertium & quartum<br />

earundem, quintum Pandectarum, sextum Codicis; quibus adjectae sunt disputationes quaedam<br />

extraordinariae (Groningen, 1637) (Dekkers, 111, no. 15). Moreover I went through six boxes<br />

containing 'loose' disputations from several Leyden faculties which are held by Leyden University<br />

Library and bear the signatures 236 A 12; 236 B 3; 236 B 8; 236 C 12; 237 B 3; 238 A 5.<br />

46 I examined the catalogues of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, <strong>The</strong> Hague, of the Leyden and Utrecht<br />

University Libraries and of the Advocates Library in Edinburgh (Catalogue of the Printed Books in the<br />

Advocates Library [before 1871]). Among the Elzevier catalogues I mention C.F. Walther, Catalogue<br />

methodique des dissertations ou theses academiques imprimees par les Elzevir de 1616 a 1712, recueillies<br />

pour la premiere fois dans la Bibliotheque Imperiale publique a Saint-Petersbourg etc. (Brussels, 1864);<br />

and H.B. Copinger, <strong>The</strong> Elzevier Press: A Handlist of the Productions of the Elzevier Presses at<br />

Leyden, Amsterdam, <strong>The</strong> Hague and Utrecht, with References to Willems, Berghman, Rahir and other<br />

biographers (1927). Walther mentions the disputations of Sinclair and Leirmonthius, Copinger the ones<br />

of R. Hamilton and G. Burnet, but not the disputation of R. Cook.

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