Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm

Cattle 1853 - Lewis Family Farm


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Tiii<br />

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Chapter XIV.—The Anatomy and Diseases of the Intestines.—The duode-<br />

num—jejunum—ileum—csocum—colon—rectum—enlargement of the mesenteric<br />

glands—inflammation of the bowels- -wood-evil—moor-ill—diarrhoea— dysentery<br />

—jcolic—strangulation—the cords or gut-tie—introsusception— inversion of the<br />

rectum—constipation— calculi— worms—dropsy—hernia or rupture . 32S<br />

Chapter XV. The Urinary Organs axd their Diseases.—The kidneys—red<br />

water—black water—inflammation of the kidneys—the ureters—the bladder<br />

urinary calculi—stone in the kidney—ureters—bladder—urethra—rupture of the<br />

bladder—inversion of ditto ...... 366<br />

Chapter XVI.<br />

Parturition.—Abortion or slinking—symptoms of pregnancy<br />

treatment before calving—natural labor—the ergot of rye—mechanical assist-<br />

ance—unnatural presentation—free-martins—the Caesarian operation—embryotomy—inversion<br />

of the womb—rupture of ditto— protrusion of the bladder<br />

retention of the foatus—attention after calving—the cleansing—flooding<br />

dropping after calving— puerperal or milk fever—sore teats— garget—milksickness<br />

or trembles—cow-pox ....... 382<br />

Chapter XVII.<br />

The Diseases and Management of Calves.—Navel-ill—conr<br />

stipation—diarrhoea—hoove—castration—method of castration by torsion . 422i<br />

Chapter XVIII.<br />

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The Diseases of the Muscular System and the Extrem-<br />

ities.—Rheumatism—swellings of the joints—ulcers about the joints—opened<br />

joints—sprains—diseases of the feet—foul in the feet . . . 428<br />

Chapter XIX. The Diseases of the Skin.— Structure of the skin—sensible<br />

and insensible perspiration—hide-bound—mange—mad itch—lice—warbles<br />

angle-berries—warts ........ 438<br />

Chapter XX.—A List of the Medicines Used in the Treatment of the "<br />

Diseases of <strong>Cattle</strong> —^Ethiop's mineral—aloes—alteratives—alum—ammonia<br />

—anodynes—antimonial powder—blue vitriol—butyr of antimony—antispas-<br />

modics—astringents — blisters—calamine—Colombo—calomel — camphor—cantharides—carraways<br />

— castor oil — catechu — caustics—chalk— chamomile<br />

charges—chloride of lime—clysters— cordials—corrosive sublimate—croton<br />

diaphoretics—digitalis—diuretics—drinks—elder—emetic tartar—Epsom salts<br />

—fomentations—gentian—ginger—Glauber's salts—Goulard's extract—helle-<br />

bore, black—iodine—ipecacuanha.—laudanum — linseed— linseed oil— lunar<br />

caustic—mashes—mercurial ointment—mint—myrrh—nitre— pitch— poultices<br />

—*rgot of rye—common salt—setons—spirit of nitrous ether—spirit, rectified<br />

—sugar of lead—sulphur—tar—tonics—turpentine, common—turpentine, spirit<br />

of—vinegar—white lead—white vitriol ...... 447

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